Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda
Tuesday,October 1st, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona
Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio):
Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA
Streamed/recorded on our Youtube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818
This is the WNA Annual meeting. We will share a Potluck and social time followed by elections of Board Members and Officers.
Please bring food or drink for 6-8 people to share, or if not, come anyway! =
7:00 – 7:15 Social Time
- Sign in and help yourself to the food available and introduce yourself to your neighbors.
7:15 – 8:00 General Business
- Minutes approval
September meeting notes were inadvertently not approved. Need to add this to the November 12 meeting agenda.
- Presentation of survey results
Survey results were moved to the November meeting since the survey has not been out long enough. Nancy will post the survey on the Go Woodlawn website on Wednesday October 2nd.
- Introduce candidates for open Board and Officer Positions, and vote on Board Members (all attendees) and Board Positions (Board Vote)
Introduction od current Board Members and Officers, and vote on their re-election.
Continuing on the board will be Keith Baich, Barbara England (Chair), Nancy Flynn (Secretary), Shirley Minor, and Linde Parcels. All members vote to approve the eight board members continuing to serve.
Barbara makes a motion that WNA can have up to twelve board members. Dennis seconds. All are in favor.
Melissa Jura agrees to serve as Board Treasurer for 2024-2025. Melissa made a motion, Keith seconded. All in favor unanimously.
Dave Sander was nominated to be a Member-at-Large. Motion by Liz Kennedy to nominate him. Seconded by Melissa. All in favor.
Board voted to add Melissa Jura to Beneficial bank checking account, removing Dennis Kennedy and leaving Barbara and Melody on account. Barbara will sort out the logistics of the bank account stuff and we will talk about that at the next meeting.
- Update on Metro Grant application – Due October 17th
Meeting at Liz’s house to firm up what we want to specifially ask for in the grant applications.
- WNA Table at Woodlawn Farmers Market & T shirt sales
We will be having one from 10am to 2 pm October 6th – WNA to volunteer at the table. Folks to talk about the neighborhood and the NA.
- Neighborhood Socials
Thursday October 3rd at 6 pm at Ps and Qs Back Patio! A way for neighbors to meet, create community, get the word out about the WNA and to patronize a local business.
- Time for Neighbor Open Comments
Neighbors are grateful that we are keeping those bus stop trash cans emptied.
A local newspaper had an article about the Woodlawn Farmers Market. Shirley will get a copy of this to Linde and we can put it in the newsletter.
City Cast gave a nice overview of Woodlawn via Leah Benson.
8:00 – 8:20 Board Business
- Treasurer’s Report – Barbara
Barbara reported that we currently have a bank balance of $3,080.94. She expressed concern for next year’s budget without significant fundraising efforts. Melissa agreed and will work up some ideas for presentation at the next meeting.
- NECN Report – Anjala
We are seeking another potential rep for the new NECN district 2. Making a transition to becoming a major district office. NECN has transformed into the hub for District 2. Election for officers is happening this month. It is a doozy of an election that expands the representation in big ways. Ranked-choice voting coming up in November as well. League of Women Voters website has excellent examples of how ranked-choice voting works.
- Secretary Report – Nancy
No report tonight. Nancy will be adding events and posts to Go Woodlawn over the next week or two once she is done with her autumn traveling. 😊
- Outreach and Community Engagement Report – Linde
We are back on track on the newsletters. If anyone has a business or a project or want to have an effort to be engaged with neighbors, Linde is happy to add that. We have 580 people in the listserv.
- Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTC) Report – Anjala
Job of the LUTC to tell us if there is any proposed development, roads closed, something sold, etc. No news right now. A smoke lounge will be opening next to the Potland shop on Dekum and have a food truck outside.
- Farmers Market Update – Keith
Harvest Fest coming up. During Farmers’s Market at end of October, the last Saturday October 26th. The Woodlawn Farmers Market recently got a $35K grant to retrofit stuff for climate change. There will be a Holiday Market this December 2024 but we don’t have a firm date yet.
8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements
What is going on with the Dekum Street Theater? They have been hosting dance classes and live music presentations. It’s available as a live presentation space. Check it out on Facebook to learn more about it.
T shirts – We are Out of L and XL. Tymon will do another order –No motion made re funding for the T-shirt project as Linde and Matt are going to cover the cost until 8 more T-shirts are sold.
North Star Village handwork sale – 11 am to 3 pm, this Saturday October 6th at Classic Foods. Stop by!
Meeting adjourned.