We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association December 5, 2018 Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association December 5, 2018 Meeting Agenda

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association Meeting Expanded Agenda
Wednesday December 5, 2018    7:00 – 8:30pm


7:00-7:10 Welcome and Introductions
7:10-7:15 Approvals

Approve October meeting minutes

Approve November meeting minutes

Approve agenda for this meeting

Approve letter for Oregon Department of Transportation about the 15th & NE Lombard intersection. Drafted by WNA Land Use & Transportation Committee.

7:15-7:45 New Business

7:15-7:30 Historic Resources Code Project —Brandon Spencer-Hartle. Zoning code concepts based on feedback have been drafted. A discussion draft of proposed code changes to be released in December. Public feedback scheduled for January and February. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/58976

7:30 to 7:45 Other New  Business

Signatories on Beneficial Bank Accounts—Need a resolution from the board re: signatories on Beneficial Bank accounts for both WNA and Farmers Market. Recommended signatories: WNA treasurer, chair, and vice chair for WNA.  Market coordinator, manager, and treasurer for farmer’s market.

Letter of Support for Walnut Park Shelter, 5329 NE MLK at Killingsworth. Has it officially opened? Do we want to offer an official letter of support?

PBOT—Finalize Selection of a Liaison for Stakeholder Advisory Committee for the Columbia/Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan. Dale? If we want more info, they can hopefully attend our January meeting. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/article/703162

7:45-8:00 Announcements for Upcoming Fall Events and Deadlines:

Hey Neighbor! Winter 2019 Issue. Two articles have been submitted that feature Woodlawn. (1) “Picking Up for Woodlawn & Wildlife” about Rick Reynolds and his trash cleanup project and (2) “Growing Food and Community—One Carrot, Beet, and Tomato at a Time!” about the 4 community gardens located in NECN neighborhoods. https://www.necoalition.org/newspaper/

Black Santa at Woodlawn Multicultural Impact Center (MIC): Friday Dec 7th, 2pm-7pm: hoping for even more turnout than last year’s which was a big success. The event will feature the same Santa as last year. Are volunteers needed?

NECN $500 Communications Funds Submission—Need a plan for how funds will be used. And some information for the submission.

NECN Grant Program, up to $2000 for neighborhood project. Deadline is January 15th, 2019. Any ideas for projects?  https://www.necoalition.org/grants/

Social Events/Happy Hours. Is anyone interested in a holiday party/gathering between Xmas and New Year’s Day? If yes, when and where? Another Happy Hour to schedule? ALSO — Last year, our January meeting was billed as a “neighborhood social”—Do we want to do that again?

Woodlawn School PTA family movie night again in January 2019? How do we learn about these events? http://woodlawnwildcats.org/pta/

8:00-8:25 Board and Community Business


Treasurer’s Report—Dennis

Land Use & Transportation Committee—Anjala

NET – Erin
MIC & Happy Hour – Jon

Farmers’ Market—Martin

NECN Board Meeting—Dennis

8:25-8:30 Final Thoughts and Adjourn
