We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

City & Neighborhood Resources

City and Regional Services

Report disabled vehicles on private property or report vehicles located in the street or public right-of-way, please contact Abandoned Autos at 503-823-7309 or submit request online here:

Get to where you need to go!
Information about all forms of transportation.

Information about how to responsibly dispose of all sorts of materials, from paint to toys. They recommend calling for the best information: 503-234-3000 or visit their website:

Learn about the City of Portland’s Graffiti Abatement Program that supports neighborhood livability. There are several ways to report graffiti. You can call 503-823-4824 or visit this webpage:

Report property nuisances such as trash, debris, tall grass/weeds, etc.

City of Portland water customers can order free conservation devices through this link.

Report housing maintenance issues such as building damage and other housing hazards.

Types of violations that are typically reported and where to report them:

The Environmental Compliance Division can enforce and take action for violations of local, state, and federal environmental laws.

Report noise concerns such as construction activity outside permitted hours, loud music/stereos, leaf blower noise, vehicle noise, etc.

To report a street light outage, a light going on and off (cycling), a light on during the day, vandalism, or any other problem with a street light:

Ask questions regarding city information and services:

Community News & Information

A free, private social network to connect with your neighbors and your community.

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association on Facebook

Volunteer-Powered, Non-Commercial, Listener-Sponsored, Full-Strength Community Radio for Portland, Oregon, the Pacific Northwest:

Pay It Forward With Portland Neighbors. Ask for whatever you need, help whenever you can. Everything’s Free!