We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association June 5, 2019 Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association June 5, 2019 Meeting Agenda


June 5, 2019 Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 5, 2019    7:00 – 8:30 pm
at Classic Foods, 817 NE Madrona St, Portland, OR 97211

7:00-7:10 Welcome and Introductions
7:10-7:15 Approvals

Approve agenda for this meeting.

Approve May meeting minutes.

7:15-7:50 New Business

Portland City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly — Presentation/Conversation/Q&A

Potential topics to discuss culled from a discussion at May WNA meeting are below. These were already sent to Commissioner Eudaly.

Bigger Picture—

— Vision for the Office of Community & Civic Life

— Thoughts on restructuring Portland city government, i.e., electing commissioners locally rather than city-wide, eliminating the bureau model, etc.

— Emergency preparedness in Portland

— How to increase disaster resiliency – what 3-5 things should Portland be doing now?

— Concerns about increases in oil trains & diesel pollution. What can be done?

— Are rent control and other measures intended to affect small-scale landlords?

— Has withdrawing Portland from the FBI terrorism task force had any effect on police support from outside Portland, e.g., cooperation between forces, response time?


— The crossing at NE Lombard & 11th/13th is a continual problem – there are loud train horns and regular accidents. Is there awareness/possibility of improving the train crossing area? Some people have mentioned closing the small spur road there if nothing else can be done.

— Neighbors frequently mention a problem with northbound traffic speeding along NE 15th between Dekum & Lombard. Is there awareness about this or something more we can do? (LUTC has been contacting the city regularly.)

–What can be done about faded/unreadable street signs?

Potential WNA Contribution to Portland Clear Air/Cascadia Action liaison to address industrial air pollution – see handout for more information

7:50-8:10 Announcements for Upcoming Events, Deadlines, and Other News:

Woodlawn Tree Inventory, June 22nd, 8:30 am to Noon – Mendy

Woodlawn “Community Collection Event” Final Report (including Gift of Appreciation for Steve Gross, Henry V) – Shelly and Francisco

Farmers’ Market updates: Martin Vandepas board resignation, Sharon Kelly, new market manager, and Keith Baich, Volunteer Financial Manager.

Neighborhood Associations Rock! Art Exhibit Opening, Saturday, July 13th, 5 pm to 8 pm, Elisabeth Jones Gallery, 516 NW 14th, PDX. Two great paintings of the Woodlawn Community Garden by Anya Keyes will be included!

Portland Harbor Superfund Site Public Forum June 12th – see handout

Community Collection Event Changes for next year – see handout

Oregon’s Kitchen Table Levee Ready Columbia on-line survey (June 3-July 5) https://consultations.oregonskitchentable.org/survey/levee-ready-columbia — Andrea Caro/see postcards

Also: August 6th National Night Out; August 8th Movie in the park is Coco with music by Saeeda Wright – powerful soul, jazz, and gospel.

REMINDER: Because of the 4th of July holiday the week before, our next meeting is on 2nd Wednesday, July 10th

8:10-8:25 Board and Community Business 

Treasurer’s Report—Dennis, including fundraising updates from Beth

Land Use & Transportation Committee—Anjala

Farmers’ Market— removal of Martin Vandepas & adding Sharon Kelly & Keith Baich as signers to the Farmer’s Market bank accounts

NECN Board Meeting—Shirley/Dennis

NET – Erin

8:25-8:30 Final Thoughts and Adjourn
