We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association July 10, 2019 Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association July 10, 2019 Meeting Agenda


July 10, 2019 Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, July 10, 2019    7:00 – 8:30 pm
at Classic Foods, 817 NE Madrona St, Portland, OR 97211

7:00-7:10 Welcome and Introductions
7:10-7:15 Approvals

Approve agenda for this meeting. (Need minute-taker as Beth is on vacation.)

Approve June meeting minutes.




New Business

Opposing Zenith Energy/Oil Trains Presentation — Elijah Cetas, Grassroots Organizer, Climate Justice Program for Center for Sustainable Economy.

Updates on Summer Donations/Sponsorships by neighborhood businesses —Dennis

August 6th, 5 pm to 8 pm National Night Out Event

Community table, activities, food, door prizes, bake-off, etc. In the past we have had Solid Rock Church safety info, WNA & other community info, NET, Woodlawn School/PTA, OHSU Nurses, Swap n Play kids activities, The Local Healer, Mystique Fancy Faces, Woodlawn Farmers’ Market. Portland Clean Air table already confirmed for this year and Woodlawn Community Garden will give tours and have free produce. Food budget for the event has been $350 in the past. Many volunteers are needed included grillers! Updates on what is needed.  – Maija

August 8th, “Coco” Movie in the Park—does anything need to be done on the part of WNA?

8:00-8:05 Announcements for Upcoming Events, Deadlines, and Other News

Update on the status of the sale of the former Woodlawn Methodist Church, the Woodlawn MIC and other organizations who had been using the building — Anjala

Neighborhood Associations Rock! Art Exhibit Opening, Saturday, July 13th, 5 pm to 8 pm, Elisabeth Jones Gallery, 516 NW 14th, PDX. Exhibit runs from July 3rd to August 25th — 10% of sales to benefit each corresponding Neighborhood Association in Portland. More information at:https://www.elisabethjones.art/neighborhood-associations-rock.html

Woodlawn Community Garden/Woodlawn Park to be host/site of annual thank you dinner for managers, Produce for People volunteers, special guests on August 14th  – John Laurence


8:05-8:25 Board and Community Business 

Treasurer’s Report—Dennis

Land Use & Transportation Committee—Anjala

Farmers’ Market— Vote for new board member, Keith Baich, Volunteer Financial Manager for the Woodlawn Farmers’ Market

NECN — Vote to re-appoint Anjala as our Representative for the NECN LUTC

NET – Erin

8:25-8:30 Final Thoughts and Adjourn
