We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association September 4, 2019 Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association September 4, 2019 Meeting Agenda


September 4, 2019 Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, September 4, 2019    7:00 – 8:30 pm
at Classic Foods, 817 NE Madrona St, Portland, OR 97211

7:00-7:10 Welcome and Introductions
7:10-7:15 Approvals

Approve agenda for this meeting.

Approve July meeting minutes.





New Business

Girls, Inc. of the Pacific Northwest Presentation about volunteers who work with Woodlawn Elementary School – Allie Cohen.

NE 11th and Stafford – ODOT triangle of land with dumping problem – Spencer

September 22nd, NE Sunday Parkways – Shirley. WNA to have a table at Woodlawn Park. Magnets and other handouts available. What do we need to set up? Who can help?s

Neighborhood “cleanup” brainstorm — Shirley

Update on National Night Out Event – Maija/Beth

Board Elections in October. Our by-laws allow for up to 12 board members. Who is interested in running for positions again/continuing?  Jessica Rojas of NECN has agreed to run the elections.

Updates about Clean Air issues with neighborhood associations — Maija

8:00-8:10 Announcements for Upcoming Events, Deadlines, and Other News:

Classic Foods Annual Event on Saturday, September 21, 1 pm to 5 pm, Free Food! And Warehouse Sale! — Shirley

September Drainage repair work at Woodlawn Park’s playground started on September 2. Work should be completed by the end of September.

Woodlawn PTA NE Sunday Parkways Fundraiser – volunteer to help neighbors safely drive to and from their houses, and help direct all other drivers around the event. Shifts are from, 9:45am-1:30pm and 12:30pm-4pm. Volunteers earn $25 for Woodlawn PTA. For more information, contact Amy Boucher, amyboucher@gmail. com

8:10-8:25 Board and Community Business 

Treasurer’s Report—Dennis

Land Use & Transportation Committee—Anjala

Farmers’ Market— Keith

NECN — Anjala/Shirley

NET – Erin

8:25-8:30 Final Thoughts and Adjourn

