We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association March 4, 2020 Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association March 4, 2020 Meeting Agenda

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda
March 4th, 2020 at Classic Foods

Be neighborly. Use microphone. Get involved. =)


7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and Introductions

7:10 – 7:15 Approve February meeting notes and March agenda

7:15 – 7:45  New Business

  1. Guest Speaker from Emmanuel Displaced Persons Association (EDPA2)
    1. History of Emmanuel Hospital Expansion
    2. Displacement of residents and effects on community
    3. How to get involved and help
  2. Thelma Diggs
    1. April 25th Stride for Seniors fundraiser for Meals on Wheels
    2. Donations and team members needed, Maija had mentioned coordinating a team?
    3. WNA donated $300
  3. Upcoming events:
    1. Portland Bureau Of Transportation (PBOT) Columbia Lombard Open House
      1. Thursday, March 12th 5-7pm at Oregon Humane Society, Education Hall
    2. March 31st 5:30-8:30 Location TBA Community Advisory Committee Meeting on Home Forward’s Dekum Court apartment project for affordable housing
    3. April 11th Easter Egg Hunt-ORGANIZERS NEEDED!
    4. Sunday Parkways -promoting healthy, active living and community by opening public spaces and streets to walk/bike/roll. Volunteer, donate, apply as vendor or block party
      • .Upcoming events (all 11am to 4pm):
        1. Southeast 5/17
        2. Gateway (formerly Outer Northeast) 7/19
        3. Green Loop 8/23
        4. Northeast (that’s us!) 9/20
      • portlandsundayparkways.org

7:45 – 8:00 Old Business

  1. Digital Initiative-central email contact: info@gowoodlawn.com, setting up GSuite-Melody Randolph
  2. Movie in the Park update-Maija Spencer
    1. Woodlawn not selected this year
    2. Joining with nearby neighborhoods
    3. Alternate plans?
  3. Community Cleanup Update-Shelly Caldwell
    • . Vernlawndia! How will donations be diviied up? Asked last meeting
  1. Tentative date May 30th at PCC Workforce Training Center on 42nd & Killingsworth
  2. New signage needed

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business-Currently 3 open seats on board, see a member if interested!

  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy
  2. Land Use and Transportation-still need volunteer to follow up Cigarette/Trash Disposal at Bus Stops-Anjala Ehelebe
  3. Farmer’s Market-Will start back up in June, looking for business sponsors-Keith Baich
  4. NECN-Dennis Kennedy
  5. NET-disaster preparedness workshops-Erin Cooper

8:20 – 8:30 Final words

  1. Other upcoming events, final announcements, thoughts

8:30 Meeting adjourns


Thank you for coming! Hope to see you Wed, April 1st (No Joke!) at 7pm for our next meeting!

