We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from October 2020 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from October 2020 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting & Election Minutes (draft until approved at next meeting)

October 7th, 2020, Online only via Zoom

7:00 – 7:15 Welcome and Introductions-Meeting is recorded 

Melody Randolph, chair, Maija Spencer, vice chair, Beth Heins, secretary, Dennis Kennedy, treasurer, Nancy Flynn, member at large, Shirley Minor, member at large, Anjala Ehelebe, member at large/chair of the land use & transportation committee; Keith Baich, member at large/on board of Farmer’s Market. Not present: Thelma Diggs, member at large.

Jessica Rojas – works for NE Coalition of Neighborhoods, here to help with the vote

Community members: Francesca Anzola, Liz Kennedy, JJ + Amy Hewitt, Gregg Lavender


7:15 – 7:20 Approve September meeting notes – Anjala moves to approve, Dennis seconds, all in favor. October agenda: Dennis moves, Beth seconds, all in favor 

7:20 – 8:00 General Business

  1. October Elections for WNA Board
    1. Chair: Melody Randolph- Beth & Liz nominate; Gregg seconds, Melody accepts.
    2. Vice chair: Maija Sepncer – Liz nominates, Maija accepts
    3. Secretary: Beth Heins – Dennis nominates, Beth accepts
    4. Treasurer: Dennis Kennedy – Beth nominates, Dennis accepts 

Jessica reviews the slate above, and everyone votes on it, all in favor 

    1. At large positions – up to 8 allowed 
      1. Nancy Flynn
      2. Shirley Minor
      3. Anjala Ehelebe
      4. Thelma (in her absence)
      5. Keith Baich
      6. Francesca Anzola 
      7. (unfilled)
      8. (unfilled)

2. Portland Clean Air Summit-Maija: original date was earlier this month but it got moved to next week, so Maija will update us in our next meeting 

    1. Toxic Smell Response Team
    2. Cascadia Action – they have a couple of letters for us to sign at some point, but will discuss more in depth after Maija attendees the summit
    3. Smell MyCity app: report chemical odors to try to figure out where air pollution is occurring.

3. Other Neighborhood Business

      1. Halloween in the time of COVID-parade? 
        1. A Piedmont neighbor has created a map of socially distanced Halloween 
        2. See the map at: bit.ly/treatmap2020 and sign up at: bit.ly/givetreats
        3. Also at 5pm on Halloween there will be a small parade for younger kids – keep an eye on Facebook/our blog/nextdoor
        4. Emily at Ps & Qs said that some of the neighborhood businesses will offer treats for trick-or-treaters
        5. How can we communicate with people who are not on facebook? There’s a bulletin board centrally located; Melody is willing to walk around and post signs as well. Shirley will keep that up some. Also the pocket park at Holman also has a bulletin board – Gregg has posted some items there, and JJ is willing to do so as well.  
      2. Classic Foods Sign for WNA
        1. Anjala was talking to Jake at the Classic Food Outlet Store, he’d like to have a sign in the outlet store indicating that the business is part of the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association. They’d like something they can post. 
      3. Street Mural repainting? A neighbor is asking about the mural at 8th & NE Holland wondering what the process is to get it repainted. The last time this came up it seemed like there might be some street work that needed to be done, before it gets painted. In the past we’ve engaged with City Repair to get some of the painting done as part of a placemaking activity, and would help us get a deal on street-appropriate paint. It takes about 20 volunteers 3 months to do and plan – so it’s doable but a fair amount of work. 
      4. Anything other items? 
        1. Maija mentions that someone contacted her about the drum church on Sundays – is the neighborhood association the right place to talk about this? It’s a conversation on Next Door; perhaps we could invite the person running it to come to our next meeting to hear why he’s out there drumming on Sundays. Maija will try to contact him via Instagram. The Oregon Public House may have some contact information for him (we speculate, since they put out a tip jar for him). 
        2. A neighbor, Jeri, helped coordinate a neighborhood cleanup with SOLVE this past weekend, and more than 40 people showed up and many bags of trash were picked up. Thanks to all! 
        3. Melody updates on our internet setup: we are done with Bloody Monster and all of our email goes through Google Suite. Info@gowoodlawn.com will still be active. 


8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy: spent $150 last month to our internet provider, we think that’s the final bill from them. Balance of $8049.08; no income last month. 
    • Keith is going to connect with Dennis about some funding WNA was going to give the farmer’s market. 
  2. Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTC) -Anjala Ehelebe
    • They had someone (Brandon) come to present about Portland’s historic resources code project. They’re making changes to the rules so he will present information on the changes to LUTC. 
  3. Farmer’s Market-Keith Baich-update on progress since break-in
    • Not a lot of progress on replacing the stolen items. Right now they’ve been focused on staying the course and finishing the season. With winter coming they need to start to focus on handling winter storage. Their balance is $2600; they’ve had less income but also fewer expenses. 
  4. NECN-Dennis Kennedy
    • Nothing to report, the last meeting was cancelled.
  5. NET-Erin Cooper – not present, nothing to report  


8:20 – 8:30 Final thoughts, announcements, other upcoming events

  • New business in the triangle, in the former yoga spot – a woman-owned contracting firm. 
  • Next door to Tough Luck, the laundromat area seems to be getting a facelift – no one knows who’s moving in yet. 
  • What’s being built at the corner of Columbia & MLK? It looks like a big warehouse. Unknown. 
  • Melody: Portland is having a 72-hour horror festival – people write, direct, shoot, edit, and show horror movies in a 72-hour window: https://guignolfest.com/
  • Suggestion to discuss November meeting: Is there something we can do around the holidays to build community, perhaps encourage those who are staying put instead of participating in holiday travel? 
    • Lighted house walk? 
  • Food garden donated 500 pounds of produce this year to the food pantry. 


8:30 Meeting adjourns

Thank you for coming! Hope to see you Wed, Nov 4th at 7pm for our next Meeting!

