We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from July 2021 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from July 2021 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting minutes (draft until approved at the next meeting)

June 2nd, 2021


7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and Introductions-Meeting is recorded

  1. Please introduce yourself in chats: name, pronouns, share a favorite local food, business, artist, etc. (drop a link and let’s promote our friends and neighbors)
    1. Board members: Melody Randolph, Maija Spencer, Beth Heins, Dennis Kennedy, Anjala Ehelebe, Chida Chaemchaeng, Thelma Diggs
    2. not present – Shirley Minor 
  2. Approve May meeting notes and June agenda 
    1. Approving the May meeting notes: Beth moves, Thelma seconds; all in favor
    2. Approving the June agenda: Keith motions, Thelma seconds, all in favor

7:10 – 8:00 Guest Speakers

  1. 7:10 Jenny Holmes and Greg Bourget (lead researcher), Cascadia Action
    1. http://portlandcleanair.org/
    2. Air quality issues in Portland, and issues specific to Woodlawn:
      – Cascadia Action are launching multiple actions involving neighborhood associations, churches, synagogues and other community groups. Asking for mitigation of smokestack pollution.
      – Citizen action has been successful but there are still businesses that need to mitigate
      – There are 12 letters they’d like the neighborhood association to endorse.
      – A study by Portland’s Bureau of Transportation found that Columbia Boulevard had the largest truck count in Portland during a 24-hour count. This indicates there’s likely a lot of diesel pollution here.
      – They’re going to collect more data and build a map to show what our air quality is like. ODOT has a lot of data but it doesn’t cover all areas.
      – Will work with census data to map communities of color and how they specifically are impacted by poor air quality.
      – They will also look at the industrial areas north of Woodlawn; will try to assess cumulative impacts of being near a number of lesser polluters.
      – Will also be funding tests for VOCs (Volatile Organic Compunds) in some areas.
      Question: we have some concerns about specific items in our neighborhood – can they take that into account? Response: they can help coach us through some letter-writing and other activism. Anjala thinks she knows of a person in the neighborhood who may want to take some of this on.
  2. 7:25 Don Merrill, CNBSeen
    1. http://www.cnb-seen.org/
    2. Replacing burnt out lights on cars to reduce traffic stops and bad interactions with police officers
      – Had an event in Old Town Portland in April this year with a story on Channel 2. It went well, with representation from the state and city council.
      – House Bill 252 just died in Ways & Means – was meant to prevent police from stopping people with burned-out lights, by mailing a ticket instead of stopping them.
      – City Council passed a recommendation or agreement with Portland police asking them to no longer pull people over for burned out lights.
      – Burned-out headlights and taillights are very common and CNBSeen works from both a social justice and a law and order perspective – social justice by preventing unnecessary stops; law and order by having drivers be compliant.
      – Would he like to come to one of Woodlawn’s Wednesday in the park evenings? He prefers to empower the neighborhoods to run the event with his support. He’d like 2 weeks notice; he’d want people in Woodlawn to help promote the event, perhaps find someone who can provide bulbs and change them. Probably August 25th is the best one to have him come to so it can be planned in advance. Melody will talk to VIP Collision to see if they have interest.
      – Also perhaps cross-promote with PTA as a back-to-school topic.

7:40 Upcoming Events 

  1. Flea Market Block Party and Neighborhood Garage Sale
    1. Sunday 7/11 2pm-7pm at Holman St between 8th & Rosa Parks
    2. Bring things to give away or set up a table to vend art/merch/food
    3. Email RosemaryHousePDX@gmail.com for questions/promo
  2. NO Meeting for August! 
  3. Wednesdays in Woodlawn Park-all invited, each Wed in August at 6-8pm
    1. How can we try to engage neighborhood people who sometimes sell meals out of their homes? 
  4. Adopt One Block for those wishing to address litter in the neighborhood
    1. https://www.adoptoneblock.org/
      A way for community members to take care of their block and help the area stay clean.  
    2. Current fundraiser to provide dumpsters to block captains
      1. https://www.gofundme.com/f/adoptoneblock-x-1800gotjunk?fbclid=IwAR2BGZyUri_RXwkBj1IcbmXFtrVL_HYu2PifUUywVbmupN7RpNWC1dUXgNk
  5. Fundraiser for Neighbor, Jan Clutter, whose car and belonging were stolen
    1. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-jan-clutter-recover-after-theft?fbclid=IwAR0R4VvH1bWOfNgAQgrwJsTtablkjULWYT5SyZeWctbe3oKhSmOr5reBvrU

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy
    No changes to the account: $7294.95 in the account
  2. Land Use and Transportation-Anjala Ehelebe
    Nothing to report 
  3. Farmer’s Market-Keith Baich:
    – Two weekends ago when it was so hot, they shifted the market from 10-2 to 9-noon, which cut the farmer’s hours a little but felt like the safest choice.
    – The neighborhood/craft booth is coming back! Live music coming back Saturday!
    – Banking business: They have changed market managers from Sharon Kelly to Hayley Dallas. Keith moves that the board approve removing Sharon Kelly and adding Hayley Dallas to the Woodlawn Farmer’s Market on The Official State Bank checking account; Dennis Kennedy seconds this motion. Board vote: all in favor. Motion carries. 
  4. NECN-Dennis Kennedy
    Last meeting included elections. There are new people appointed to the board. In terms of Woodlawn representation, Shirley Minor is on the board as an at-large member. Ankur Dholakia from Cafe Eleven is also an at-large member. Dennis is also a member, giving Woodlawn 25% representation on the board. 
  5. NET-Erin Cooper – not present

8:20 – 8:30 Final thoughts, announcements, etc
Appreciation for Chida, Anjala, Dennis for suggesting/helping lineup tonight’s and future speakers. 

Melody called the police department to see if they can ever provide a speaker at our meeting.

Anjala told us about the tours she and Doug Decker will be leading in/around Alberta Park and the neighborhood? There was an article in the Hollywood Star. The chair of the Vernon Neighborhood Association got a grant from the Parks department to have tours in the neighborhoods. They will have three walks each. Two of Anjala’s will be regular history; one will focus on the criminal history of Woodlawn. Hers will be less than 2 miles and open to all abilities. Details forthcoming – the walks will be in August and September. They will be free, limited to 20 people per tour. 


8:30 Meeting adjourns


Thank you for coming! Hope to see you Wed, September 1st for our next Meeting with Special Guest Mingus Mapps!

