We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from January 2022 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from January 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting
Hybrid Meeting – Oregon Public House + online via Zoom and Facebook Live


January 4, 2022 – 7pm meeting (https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09)


Minutes (draft until approved at next meeting)


Attending: Board members – Melody Randolph, Dennis Kennedy, Keith, Anjala, Nancy Flynn, Shirley Minor, Chida Chaemchaeng


Community: Barbara, Melissa Gray, Liz Kennedy, Maria Gould, Tristan Isaac, Rick Reynolds, Melissa Gray, Ross


7:00 – 7:15 Welcome and Introductions. (Meeting is recorded)



7:15 – 7:20 Approve December meeting notes and January agenda

Move to approve last month’s meeting minutes: all in favor


7:20 – 8:00 General Business


  1. Plans for the 2022


Things we would like to do in person:

  • Something for Summer (cookout, movie, chance to know what the Covid landscape looks like and plan accordingly)
  • Easter Egg Hunt – gets people outside – April
  • Fundraiser – potential raffle potential? Easier to fundraise if people know what we are doing with the money.
    • Holiday market raffle made roughly $800
    • Easier to promote a fundraiser if people know what we are planning on doing with the money (eg Easter Egg hunt, cleanup events, cookouts, etc.
  • Neighborhood Clean Up – would need free dumpster from Waste Management – change in contact at waste management. Nancy will do some research.
  • Potential neighborhood general clean up instead of what WNA traditionally did before. Have neighbors go out  with garbage pickers (like Concordia neighborhood did), good community building event opportunity.
    • Potential of Saturday cleanup with City sponsorship via SOLVE – big clean up on Saturday and City brings dumpster and clean up Lombard and surrounding area
    • Sunday open up to neighborhood to bring trash
    • Neighborhood businesses can help sponsor
    • Can be combined with the Stuff Party and promoted at various WNA meetings
    • We would need to determine the date of this 
  • Stuff Party – take what you don’t need and want, bring to central location and swap – in Woodlawn Park? Could happen week or two before the cleanup event.
    • Can involve a larger swath of people from the neighborhood and encourage people to donate and clean out their items. 
    • Could be a lead up to the general neighborhood clean up
  • Fundraising opportunities
    • If you shop at Fred Meyer, change your card to Woodlawn Neighborhood Association so that we can get extra donations courtesy of Fred Meyer
    • Winter for Woodlawn participation – Nancy will reach out and see if this is a possibility – Community Garden participation in the past raised some funds
  • If we need live music for one of our events, Dallas handles music for the Farmer’s Market; Keith’s band can also do this event (for free)


  1. Winters for Woodlawn at Oregon Public House (OPH)
  • Jan and Feb dedicated to fundraising for neighborhood partners to be beneficiaries for Philanthropub Menu, Pints with Purpose, etc and provide opportunity to use OPH for events – WNA to be beneficiaries of the donation funds for this
  • Farmers Market participated in this in the past – best to promote it and encourage people to go OPH so that it raises maximum funds for WNA


  1. February social-volunteers needed to promote
  • Rick has lawnsigns and can put them out
  • Melody will make flyer with links and QR codes for easy info
  • We need volunteers to help put out signs – if interested, let us know in chat – will be putting out signs in next 2 weeks
  • We also have a new PayPal donation button – Melody will get it added to WNA website


Other Topics:
Communication – any interest in using Slack for communication rather than email? Slack also offers emails out with email digests. Melody can help train. 


Motion to set up Slack as a communication tool for WNA from Dennis; Keith Second; all in favor, motion carries.



8:00 – 8:20 Board Business-Francesca 

  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy
  • Same 6794.95 as last month. No other updates.


  1. Land Use and Transportation-Anjala Ehelebe
  • No updates for Land Use
  • Interstate bridge project coming to vote with Metro on Thursday
    • 10 lane bridge to go over the Columbia River – looks like it is moving forward


  1. Farmer’s Market-Keith Baich
  • Paid for fees for software for staff and workers comp for payroll 
  • Working on some grants and some off-season activities
  • Grants are restricted funds – $1500-2000 in SNAP match
  • Adjustments to website and other prep, tent replacement considerations although they will make use of current materials but they were purchased a long time ago and should be replaced when it is possible.


  1. NECN-Dennis Kennedy
  • Director not found yet


  1. NET-Erin Cooper (not present)
  • NET will possibly start trainings again, pay attention to their TUMBLR page


8:20 – 8:30 Final thoughts, announcements, other upcoming events

  • Omicron and potential events in February?
  • Winters for Woodlawn would be good in Feb to promote at Feb. WNA meeting and promote future clean up event
  • Other potential OPH fundraising opportunity – Give Program Partners – sign them up for cohorts for Pints with Purpose weekly events every Thursday
  • (To) Go Woodlawn could be theme for OPH Jan/February. 
  • P’s & Q’s – New ownership, do we know more about them?
  • Have new Ps&Qs owners come to next meeting?
  • Ross: is very interested in the NE Killingsworth and MLK, what used to be the Reflections Coffee House; would like to try to revive that location. If anyone is interested, get in touch with him. He’ll keep us updated if he finds anything. Contact Ross: 503.875.1362 


Motion for TO GO Woodlawn experience in February by Nancy; Chida seconds the motion; all in favor, motion carries


8:20 Meeting adjourned – see you Tuesday, February 1st at 7pm for our next Meeting!

