We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from Feb 2022 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from Feb 2022 WNA General Meeting

Draft until approved at the next meeting:

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda

Online at  Zoom 

Meeting online only this month.

Meeting will be recorded and posted to YouTube.


Your voice matters in our community-let it be heard here. All are invited and welcomed.


7:00 – 7:15 Welcome and Introductions. Please share your name, pronouns, something you’re enjoying right now

Board members: Shirley Minor, Beth Heins, Dennis Kennedy, Anjala Ehelebe, Nancy Flynn, Thelma Diggs, Barbara England. Not present: Keith, Chida

Community members: Elizabeth Kennedy, Ross, Josie, Rick & Krista Reynolds, Jodie, Claudia, Deanna, Jessica

7:15 – 7:20 Approve January meeting notes and February agenda

Beth moves we approve minutes: Dennis seconds; all in favor, none opposed.

Dennis moves we approve the February agenda; Anjala seconds; all in favor, none opposed. 

7:20 – 8:00 General Business

  1. Guest Speaker: Donna Maxey, founder and recently retired director of RACE TALKS – May have to join next time instead
  2. Rick Reynolds-follow up on clean ups: in last meeting suggested a group Woodlawn cleanup as a fundraiser/community activity. 
    1. Henry V isn’t an option as a location anymore; the business has changed hands and is now named For Good & Co. 
    2. The stub street next to Parr Lumber (Ashley) might work – would work for traffic flow (enter from Grand, exit onto MLK) and no one lives on that block. Proposed: 10-2, donation-based.Costs/sponsorships? Parr might be able, need more details. 
    3. SOLVE can also get us dumpsters under a grant they have – we’d have to pay for them and then get reimbursed. We may need up to 5 dumpsters, based on previous years. Potential date: Sunday June 5. Volunteers included Nancy, John, Melody, Shirley, Beth, perhaps others. Melody will talk to Walgreens to tell them what we’re planning.
    4. Tasks: 
      1. Nancy: Would have to check with PBOT to see about closing the street; will also check with SOLVE about who they work with for dumpsters.
      2.  Melody: will talk to Walgreens to tell them what we’re planning.
      3. Jessica: will email Ridwell to see if they might partner with us/take some of the recyclables
      4. John: will find out the cost for up to 5 dumpsters. 
      5. Liz: will contact Adopt a Block to see if they can help
    5. Could also do a litter cleanup with SOLVE on a Saturday, perhaps June 4.
  3. Thelma Diggs-Meals on Wheels: Their fundraiser is Saturday April 16th, out at PIR again. Woodlawn always brings out a team. Nancy was the chair for the team last year. Last year there were four teams of walkers. Sign up here: https://give.mowp.org/event/stride-for-seniors-2022/e348921 and information here: https://www.mowp.org/events/stride-for-seniors/ 
  4. Plans for the 2022-in person activities on hold, ways to engage: the cleanup might be a great way 
  5. Supporting local businesses-Ross and Josie from Kuto: Kuto is a Portland company that helps businesses save money on credit card fees. They provide an app that lets people pay businesses directly, similar to venmo or cashapp. If consumers download the app they’ll get $6 credit. Over the holidays they partnered with small businesses and set up a raffle to incentivize local shopping. Next week they’re partnering with the Central Eastside Business Council. ~10,000 users and ~200 businesses in the area use the Kuto app, including Black Rose Market and Woodlawn Coffee & Pastry. Questions: https://kuto.app/  or Ross@kuto.app or Josie@kuto.app 
  6. Claudia, front of house manager at Ps & Qs attended the meeting and shared that Tarl and Eric are the new owners. Just joining us to say hi, answer any questions we may have. 


8:00 – 8:20 Board Business-

  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy – $6794.95, didn’t spend any money last month. Filled out the federal form to extend our non-profit status for next year. Next up is the corporate tax form. 
  2. Land Use and Transportation-Anjala Ehelebe
    1. Nothing new in the neighborhood
    2. Interstate Bridge project seems to be nearing final design and decisions about widening I-5 near the Rose Quarter. Recommends reading Bike Portland for interesting and thorough reporting. http://bikeportland.org/ 
    3. Questions: 
      1. Was there ever going to be angle parking on the block where Firehouse & Campana face each other? – no updates, Anjala will see if there’s anything happening with it
      2. Have we explored speed bumps along Dekum? – it’s been discussed but because it’s a bus route, it’s unlikely they will be added. Also speed bumps are very expensive. 
    4. The City passed good updates to the Historic Resources Code project. 
  3. Farmer’s Market – update from John 
  4. NECN – Anjala:
    1. They have hired a new director: Justen Harn – previously worked with Columbia Villa, Hollywood Theatre, Open Signal. 
    2. They’re resuming small grants up to $3000 
    3. Some talk of moving students from Harriet Tubman school to another one – not a popular idea and has been scrapped by Portland Public Schools
    4. Also talk about housing issues. 
  5. NET-Erin Cooper; Nancy did the BEECN training and shares that the February NET trainings will be in person on Saturdays in February. 


8:20 – 8:30 Final thoughts, announcements, other upcoming events

Jessica: Dekum St Theater:  latest news is working through final inspections, she’s there every day painting inside and out. No timelines about when they’ll staff and open it yet. It’ll be a restaurant/bar/live theater/performance venue.  

Melody: her friend will be putting on another cabaret style show as a fundraiser


8:30 Meeting adjourns


Thank you for coming! Hope to see you Tuesday, March 1st at 7pm for our next Meeting!

