We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from October 2022 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from October 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting

October 4th, 2022, Online at Zoom 896 0469 4137, In Person at Oregon Public House

This is your neighborhood. This is our neighborhood.

Together, we have the power to make it a beautiful place to live for everyone.


7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and Introductions

Meeting was recorded and is available here: https://www.facebook.com/woodlawnpdx/videos/1146750676243836

  1. Chat intros: name, pronouns, topics/speakers you would like at future meetings
      1. Present: Melody Randoph (Chair), Dennis Kennedy (Treasurer), Anjala Ehlebe (Historian and Land Use Chair), Rick Reynolds (Co-Secretary), Thelma Diggs, and Keith Baich, (Board Member at Large and Woodlawn Farmers Market), Nancy Flynn (Board member at large and Woodlawn Community Garden), Shirley Minor (Board Member at Large), Liz Kennedy, Stephanie Fitzpatrick, Deanna
  1. Approve September meeting notes and October agenda
      1. Dennis made a motion, Rick seconded, all in favor
      2. Date will be fixed on the Oct. meeting agenda (from 6th to 4th), otherwise they are approved: Dennis made a motion and Rick seconded

7:10 – 8:00 Guest Speakers

  1. 7:10 Representative from Soul Business District https://www.nnebaportland.org/
  2. 7:20 Acting Captain Jacob Clark, Portland Police Bureau North Precinct
  3. 7:30 October Elections
      1. Melody proposed that we postpone the elections to a November meeting. Rick supported that idea and thought it would be great if we could have it hybrid at Classic Foods. Melody will email Jake about it.
      2. Melody suggested that we might survey at the Farmers Market to ask which day might work best for the WNA monthly general meetings. Anjala could do 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. We might need to have someone standing there asking. The last date for the Farmers Market is Oct. 29.
      3. Melody could staff the Farmers Market 15th and 22nd; Keith could do 29th and maybe the other Saturdays, too; Shirley will volunteer on Oct. 8 and John Laurence will help, too.
      4. Liz and Dennis will work on a WNA flier in collaboration with the Board. He will send a draft to the Board for review later this week. Folks can sign up to help here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h1dOiit3Agp25Mxo85iWpN2xLdn5yqi3VmWhl82pz2E/edit#gid=0
      5. We discussed having food at 6:30, with the meeting at 7. Anjala, Rick, Thelma, and others supported the idea.
      6. Melody proposed the WNA buy the food and we ask for suggested donations. Nancy, Rick, and others supported the idea.
      7. Dennis suggested we could bring back the idea of a Board member providing food with gluten free options, etc. The provider would be reimbursed.
      8. Melody thinks we should be putting the funds into neighborhood businesses and groups. Thelma agreed.
      9. Melody will be continuing as Chair
      10. Vice Chair: Chida won’t be able to continue, but will continue as Member at Large
        1. Dennis noted that we could continue without a Vice Chair if need be.
      11. Co-Secretaries: Rick and Krista will continue
      12. Treasurer: Dennis will continue
      13. Dennis suggested that we ask the Woodlawn PTA to see if one or more PTA members would consider joining the Board. Rick offered to email folks and Melody will post the ask on Facebook.
      14. Deanna Silva asked that we include her in mailings. We will add Deanna to our MailChimp list.

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  1. We worked on the flier about WNA together and also the survey to ask folks what nights/times work best.
      1. We will add to the flier that we plan to provide food/social time 30 minutes before the meeting.
      2. Include (on the flier) featured speakers, such as Dan Ryan, Ted Wheeler, and leaders of community-building organizations involved in the neighborhood.
      3. Melody is creating a Google Form survey that we worked on together. She will print some and folks will also be able to fill it out online. She will add a QR code to the flier, too.
  1. Treasurer’s Report-Dennis Kennedy and Melody:
      1. Dennis tallied up everything from Woodlawn Night Out and we have about $6,900 in the bank account
  1. Land Use and Transportation-Anjala Ehelebe
      1. No updates
  1. Farmer’s Market-Keith Baich
      1. 4 more markets this season; fall produce and crafts coming
      2. Planning a Holiday Market again this year
  1. NECN-Dennis Kennedy
      1. No updates
  1. NET-Erin Cooper
      1. No updates

8:20 – 8:30 Final thoughts, announcements, other upcoming events

8:30 Meeting adjourns: Adjourned at 8:30, but Melody kept the line open for anyone else that wanted to continue working on the flier and survey form.

Thank you for coming! Hope to see you for our next meeting in November, date to be determined.
