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Hollywood Star features Woodlawn BEECN and NET volunteers!


Hollywood Star features Woodlawn BEECN and NET volunteers!

Woodlawn residents Erin Cooper, Beth Heins, and Anjala Ehelebe are part of a citywide network of volunteers to help neighbors during emergency situations.

What are BEECN and NET?

BEECN stands for “basic earthquake emergency communication nodes.” BEECNs have been established to move information during a disaster.  According to Nancy Varekamp, writer for the Hollywood Star, “About two-thirds of the BEECNs also volunteer for their neighborhood emergency teams (NET), currently boasting a membership of 2,200-plus. The groups are prepared to work together during disasters, although the NETs are called upon for many local emergencies that don’t require radio communications.”

Read the full story about these important neighborhood teams on pages 8-9 of February’s issue.

The city seeks additional BEECN volunteers!  Visit portland.gov/pbem/about-beecn to learn more and volunteer.

Thank you Erin, Beth, and Anjala for your service!
