We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from February 2023 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from February 2023 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes

February 7th, 2023 7pm

Online at Zoom ID: 301 466 2210 and Facebook Live
In Person at Classic Foods 817 NE Madrona

Notes are in draft form until approved at the next meeting.


Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association would like to acknowledge that the land we live and meet on is unceded territory, originally home to indigenous peoples such as the Cayuse, Umtilla, and Walla Walla; Cowltiz and Clackamas, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and Confederated Tribes of Siletz*. Further, we recognize that over the last 200 years, Woodlawn has been home to Black and immigrant communities (including Scandinavian, Greek, Japanese, Romany, and Tonga Islanders), as well as LGBTQIA and disabled individuals, many of whom have been disproportionately affected and displaced by systemically racist policies and gentrification. While we cannot undo the past, we are here to actively work towards a community that is kind, equitable, and inclusive; where the things that make us different and unique are celebrated; where cultures and ideas are exchanged; and we feel a sense of belonging with our neighbors. We may not always agree, but these are our guiding principles because our diverse community is strongest when we work together.


  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
    • Board members present: Melody Randolph (outgoing co-chair), Rob Randolph (outgoing co-chair), Shirley Minor (member-at-large), Anjala Ehelebe (land use and transportation chair, neighborhood historian), Barbara English (incoming interim chair), Dennis Kennedy (treasurer), Krista Reynolds (co-secretary)
    • Neighbors present: Tim and Tara, Liz Kennedy
    • Board members absent: Keith Baich, Thelma Diggs, Nancy Flynn, Rick Reynolds, Aimee Pedretti
  • Conversation/breakout room with neighbor(s) new to you
    • Apologies to those who tried to attend on Facebook Live. Due to technical difficulties, we were not able to connect.
  • Anjala shared about the NE Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN’s) role in the neighborhood and WNA activities. WNA has organized neighborhood cleanups (garbage drop off and litter pickup) in the past, including one last June.

Items to address

  • Approve December meeting notes
    • The December meeting notes were approved.
  • Chair and Vice Chair positions available immediately.
    • Melody and Rob are willing to remain as members-at-large. Melody is very happy to help with tech issues, provide access to the Google drive for notes, etc.
    • Dennis shared that as a neighborhood association we are required by law to have a minimum of three board positions – Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. We need an interim chair at least and should do some recruiting for a permanent replacement.
    • Anjala shared that we’ve almost always had a strong association. Neighbors get along and stay involved. Events we’ve hosted: Easter egg hunt, movies in the park,
    • A vote was held for the records to officially accept the resignations of Melody and Rob.
    • Barbara English volunteered to be interim chair. A vote was held to elect Barbara. All approved.

Board Business

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • We have approximately $6700 in the account. We could fund the Easter Egg Hunt and also Party on Portland (formerly National Night Out).
    • We need to initiate some fundraising again.
    • The City is initiating garbage cleanups again. Krista agreed to do a little more research to discuss at our next meeting. We have some of the supplies for trash pickup – gloves, bags, etc.
  • NECN
    • Jona Davis is the interim executive director at NECN. They are finding the resources to do a formal executive director search.
  • Land Use and Transportation
    • Anjala reported on the status of Roger’s house – the one with razor wire across from Breakside Brewery. According to info online, there are no new plans for the site. It’s zoned for CS (mixed commercial) which means they’d need to have a business on the main floor. Anjala is notified about land use changes, including liquor license applications. Stay tuned for future land use training meetings hosted by the city.
  • Farmer’s Market Update
    • No one was present from the farmers market board.
  • Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)
    • Anjala described the NET responsibilities and BEECN responsibilities. BEECN is a communications team that trains to use emergency radios. NET is seeking to rebuild and add new neighbors from Woodlawn, Vernon, and Concordia. If you’re interested in volunteering, find more info here: https://www.portland.gov/pbem/neighborhood-emergency-teams/volunteer

Additional agenda items

  • Metro grant
    • Barbara and Liz submitted a grant to fund street repainting, and other neighborhood projects/events, such as National Night Out. Unfortunately, we did not receive a grant. Since the pieces are already written, keep an eye out for other funding opportunities.
  • Easter egg hunt
    • It’s an inexpensive project – at most $75 to fund. Someone created an outline of the event planning that’s easy to follow. We’d just need to get in touch with Maija Spencer and/or Beth Heins for further details.
    • The board voted to approve $150 to fund the event.
    • Liz suggested we get the parachute from Maija for entertainment after the egg hunt.
  • Party on Portland (POP; formerly National Night Out)
    • We spent approximately $1850 last year on the event. We should budget $2500 if we want to hold the event in 2023, due to higher food costs and high attendance.
    • We need to book the clown and musicians soon. Need to reserve the clown, Nikki Brown Clown, soon because she books up quickly.  She has attended past Easter Egg hunts.
    • The board voted and approved reserving up to $2500 for Party on Portland.
    • Here’s the link to the 2022 National Night Out budget: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jcXl_nWJ3wVehTF1nKPaLSFpwooKiyXH/view?usp=drivesdk
    • Permitting – if we secure our own permits, we can have whatever type of event we want. If we use POP’s permits, we need to abide by their rules.
    • Port-a-potty rentals are for a minimum of 7 days, a total cost of $700. We should try to coordinate with another event to share the toilet rental.
    • We could organize the event similar to last Thursday on Alberta. There could be a scavenger hunt down Dekum involving our businesses, so we get people going to the businesses before going to the event activities.  Could request RSVPs.
  • Liz asked if it was possible to set up subscription donations to the WNA.
    • It could be for individuals or businesses. We are a non-profit. It is possible. Good Neighbor Pizza is interested in being more involved in the association and possibly sponsoring events.
    • Dennis asked if it would be better to ask for smaller amounts of money from more businesses rather than $300 (which is the amount specified on GoWoodlawn.com).
  • Liz suggested we have someone from city council attend a meeting to explain what new city governance will look like.
  • Barbara asked for suggestions about how we can attract more folks to meetings.
  • Liz discussed Adopt a Block; she is seeking more volunteers.
  • The meeting adjourned at 8:28.

Thank you for coming! We hope to see you at our March meeting.
