We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from March 2023 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from March 2023 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2023 7pm

Online on Zoom

In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona 


Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association would like to acknowledge that the land we live and meet on is unceded territory, originally home to indigenous peoples such as the Cayuse, Umtilla, and Walla Walla; Cowltiz and Clackamas, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, and Confederated Tribes of Siletz*. Further, we recognize that over the last 200 years, Woodlawn has been home to Black and immigrant communities (including Scandinavian, Greek, Japanese, Romany, and Tonga Islanders), as well as LGBTQIA and disabled individuals, many of whom have been disproportionately affected and displaced by systemically racist policies and gentrification. While we cannot undo the past, we are here to actively work towards a community that is kind, equitable, and inclusive; where the things that make us different and unique are celebrated; where cultures and ideas are exchanged; and we feel a sense of belonging with our neighbors. We may not always agree, but these are our guiding principles because our diverse community is strongest when we work together.

7:00 – 7:15 Introductions

  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
    • Board members present: Barbara England, Anjala Ehelebe, Shirley Minor, Melody Randolph, Dennis Kennedy, Keith Baich, Nancy Flynn, Krista Reynolds, Rick Reynolds
    • Neighbors present: Tarl, Liz Kennedy, Erin Cooper, Lisa Bersani
    • Board members absent: Aimee Pedretti, Thelma Diggs
  • Conversation/breakout room with neighbor(s) new to you

7:15 – 8:00 General Business

  • Approve February meeting notes
    • The notes were approved
  • Select delegates for Neighborhood Associations Summit (March 9th)
    • Aimee Pedretti and Barbara England are the selected delegates
  • Neighborhood cleanup planning
    • Rick reported that Monica Kelly, Public Trash and Special Events Coordinator at the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability, reached out to see if we are interested in the bureau planning a cleanup event for Woodlawn (combined with King and Vernon).
      • Monica suggested the event be held either June 10th, 17th, or 24th.
        • Due to Good in the Hood and Juneteenth celebrations, board members chose June 10th as the prospective cleanup date.
      • WNA can earn up to $1000 ($31/hour) by publicizing the event using flyers and social media
      • The city could pay the WNA $31/hour for outreach for the project. They could contract with us for up to 20 hours for flyering, and up to 12 hours for online/other promotion.
        • They will be making the flier (for consistency among events)
      • This money would not need to be split amongst other neighborhood associations
      • Rick is willing to help organize initially but would like a secondary contact for Monica because he will have limited time after first week in April.
        • Dennis volunteered to help with the paperwork (W-9, ACH form, etc.) and to be the secondary contact
      • Shirley suggested we ask that Woodlawn Park be added back to the Sunday Parkways route
    • Discussion of criteria for WNA sponsors
      • Barbara suggested we keep listing businesses that have contributed goods, funds, or services in the past three years
      • Liz suggested we list sponsors by year of donation
        • Liz suggested we ask businesses to pay for a specific expense, such as Nikki the Brown Clown
      • Dennis – Should we recognize individuals in the community that have given funds?
        • Dennis had conversation with Gretchen at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry; business is coming back and they are thinking about donating again
      • Erin – Typically we did a spring outreach for money to fund the slate of spring/summer events
      • Melody – We could do a street festival in the spring where we highlight our local businesses; this would generate good will.
      • Who do we list on the website? We could update the website to say “prior sponsors.”
      • Barbara suggested we table this discussion until the May meeting.
    • Update on Easter Egg Hunt
      • Liz reported they are gathering plastic eggs and candy.
      • Liz met with Beth and plans to get together with Maija for information about running the event.
      • Shirley volunteered to donate $100 for candy.
      • We will need volunteers to fill eggs and help with the event.
    • Grant possibility for repainting street mural – need to locate artist
      • Barbara reported she submitted the grant last week for $5000.; she hasn’t been able to locate the artist who designed the mural.
      • The funds from the grant would pay for one or two artists.
      • Contact Liz or Barbara with ideas or if you have contact info for the artist.
    • Tarl, co-owner of P’s and Q’s Market, shared information and answered questions
      • Shirley – Delivery trucks should not park in the condominium parking lot on 13th which is maintained by the condo association.
      • Tarl – P’s and Q’s hosts special guest chefs generally every other Thursday.
      • Anjala – Could they build a ramp up to the back patio? Yes, they have a moveable ramp they can use.
      • Dennis – When can the association ask businesses for monetary support?
        • Tarl – They are happy to participate in the association, whether that’s giving money or other support.
      • Tarl – They offer gift cards.
      • What can the neighborhood do to support P’s and Q’s?
        • Anjala – The WNA can buy items from our local restaurants to bring to the meetings.
        • Tarl – They will begin hosting local musicians.
          • Keith and Erin can share their connections to local musicians.
        • Meeting time, place, flyer
          • Barbara – We need to start placing flyers in businesses; could redesign magnets with the new meeting day.
        • Plans to invite speakers from Neighborhood Response Team
          • Barbara – Does anyone know a contact on the Neighborhood Response Team? Who might be able to do some research on this?
          • Melody verified we are in the North Precinct Neighborhood Response Team’s coverage area.
        • Further presentations/actions to promote organizations working to reduce neighborhood violence
          • Captain Clark at Portland Police could join one of our meetings but only on Zoom because he’s so busy.
          • Anjala reported she talked with Firehouse staff about the recent thefts and the presence of an RV and van and trash pile up.
            • People need to report issues on pdxreporter in order for them to be prioritized by city officials.
            • The city has stopped talking the Firehouse staff.
            • The city is not even-handed in how it treats some sites and not others.
            • Dennis thought the area around the RV was a lot cleaner than it was two weeks ago.
            • Liz suggested parking is a real issue for businesses if spaces are taken up by semi-permanently parked vehicles.
            • Lisa suggested we need to engage the people involved to solve problems together, get a conversation going between affected parties; how do we create something that is different from typical dynamics?
              • Has anyone tried to contact these folks? A Firehouse owner did reach out. Anjala suggested we carry this topic over to the April meeting.
            • Facebook page monitoring

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Dennis – $6786.38 in account as of Feb. 28th; just spent $50 to Secretary of State for our registration
    • Farmers market can share the expenses of registration, if needed.
  • NECN
    • No report
  • Land Use and Transportation
    • Anjala – nothing to report
  • Farmer’s Market Update
    • Erin reported they are in good financial shape, and they have received strong applications for the market manager position.
    • They have applied for a grant to fund music at the market.
    • The market board is participating in a research project.
    • Volunteers are needed that are not members of the board.
    • They need a place to park the market van that is not on the street.
      • Lisa asked about previous van parking. The person who provided a spot for the van has moved. It needs to be off street for security reasons.
      • Looking for a garage or driveway where it is not visible from the street.
      • Rick – Jeff Siri might be willing. He has a long driveway and large garage. Rick will text Jeff to see if he might do it.
    • The first market of the season is the first Saturday in June (June 3rd).
  • Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)
    • Erin – They met for the first time in a couple of years. Contact Erin if you’re interested in joining the team.

8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items

  • Melody is donating a Surface tablet to WNA so we can continue holding meetings on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 8:31.
