We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from April 2023 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from April 2023 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2023 7pm

In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona 

Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another.  The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”

7:00 – 7:10 Introductions

  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting.
    • Board members present: Barbara England, Anjala Ehelebe, Shirley Minor, Thelma Diggs, Aimee Pedretti, Dennis Kennedy, Krista Reynolds
    • Neighbors present: Liz Kennedy, Dan Pedretti, Ike Harris (Concordia Neighborhood Association), Brian, Nicole
    • Board members absent: Melody Randolph, Nancy Flynn, Rick Reynolds, Keith Baich

7:10 – 8:00 General Business

  • Approve March meeting notes
  • Presentation by the owner(s) of Firehouse restaurant
    • Due to illness, the co-owner was not able to attend. The co-owner says thank you to those who posted on PDXreporter about the folks camping near the restaurant. The people in the camper have moved on.
  • Presentation by a representative from the Portland Street Response team
    • They serve about 700 people a month. The vans have an EMT and social worker.
    • The police have their own crisis response team. There is also a county crisis line.
    • There are definitely repeat callers. Follow up care can help with long term mental health support.
    • They work closely with Street Roots vendors.
  • Need volunteer for secretary position as well as Facebook page monitoring
  • Report from Neighborhood Associations Summit (March 9th) (Aimee and Barbara)
    • The event was organized by two neighborhood associations
    • 60 associations were represented by attendees
    • Three priorities were identified. Committees will form to address priorities.
      • Improving neighborhood association and city government relations
      • Livability
      • Healthy neighborhoods
    • Ike Harris from the Concordia Neighborhood Association (CNA) proposed a community center for the neighborhood to help combat loneliness and spark creativity
      • There will be a meeting at April 10th 5:30 St. Michael’s Lutheran Church (6700 NE 29th) to discuss the idea.
      • The proposed location for the center is on 42nd, at Fernhill Park, the former school site – currently owned by PPS
      • PPS has a long-term facility plan
      • The CNA would like a WNA representative to be present at the meeting
    • Update on Easter Egg Hunt Event – Saturday, April 8th
      • Liz solicited for volunteers for the day of the event
        • Volunteers needed 10 – 11 for set up (hiding eggs, setting up booths and tables)
        • Especially need volunteers 11 – 12 (during the event)
      • Nicole has been helping to organize the event with Liz and Barbara
      • There will be two zones – one for kids zero through five years old and one zone for ages 6 and up
      • 1,500 eggs are stuffed!
      • The event will be on the south side of the park, on the Dekum side
      • There will be a craft booth
    • Update on Neighborhood cleanup planning – date and next steps
      • Dennis has emailed the forms; he never received a response they were received
      • June 10th had already been taken
      • Barbara will get in touch with Rick for additional info

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  • Treasurer’s Report (Dennis)
    • The WNA has essentially the same amount of money as last month
    • Renewed with the Secretary of State – $50 expense
    • Kudos to Shirley for paying for a portion of the Easter Egg hunt
  • NECN Report (Anjala)
    • Executive search is underway for new director
    • Business owners on Broadway are considering adding decorative lights similar to ones in downtown Portland; lights might be installed on N. Mississippi also
      • Would be funded by the Lloyd business district
    • Land Use and Transportation (Anjala)
      • There is a two-story office building planned to be built on the corner of Buffalo and MLK. Anjala has been checking for a notice about this but has not seen one yet. Will notify the association so we can discuss and approve or disapprove of the plans.
      • Slowing traffic on Dekum – a neighbor sees near misses almost every day – Anjala connected the person with someone from Sullivan’s Gulch where they implemented traffic calming
        • Brian mentioned there is a way to get in touch with the city to advocate for traffic slowing; the more people who request, the more attention it will get
        • The city may not pay attention until people are injured or die
      • Others have proposed a cross walk on Dekum from Oregon Public House – the WNA would have to pay for it
      • The flashing crosswalk like at New Seasons costs about $70,000
      • Traffic circles are the best way to calm traffic; but the cost of cement has skyrocketed. It’s now almost $500,000 to install a traffic circle.
      • If anyone is interested in revitalizing the 8th and Holland street painting or the one on Homan, get in touch with Anjala
      • No word on the 904 NE Dekum property. There is no record online of a sale.
    • Farmer’s Market Update
      • A new market manager, Sasha, has been hired.
      • The market has been awarded a grant for music and art programming.
      • There will be a volunteer recruitment event.
    • Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)
      • No report

8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements

  • Barbara mentioned the WNA will initiate fundraising from businesses soon
  • Thelma asked for volunteers and donors for Meals on Wheels fundraiser “Stride for Seniors” April 15th, 9am to 1pm; event will be at the Portland International Raceway

