We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from October 2023 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from October 2023 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 7pm

Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona 

 Or online on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09

Meeting ID: 301 466 2210

Passcode: WNA

Also online at Facebook Live

October Meeting Recording:

Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another.  The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”


25 attendees again!!

6:30 – 7:00 Pizza and community time


7:00 – 7:15 Introductions

  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
  • Conversation/breakout room with neighbor(s) new to you

7:15 – 8:00 General Business

    • Approve September meeting notes APPROVED
    • Staffing for WNA Table at Farmers Market Harvest Festival, Saturday October 28th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
      • Matt West has volunteered to bring table and tent
      • Melissa 10-2pm tabling
      • Barbara 10-2pm tabling
      • Nancy 12-2pm tabling
      • Angela 12-2pm tabling
  • Election of Board and Officers
      • Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer positions
      • At Large Board members who also run committees/specific activities
      • Meetings are 1st Tuesdays of the Month and the Board meeting is part of the monthly meeting (1st hour is neighborhood meeting, 2nd half hour is Board Business – which is also open to the public)
  • Barbara nominated for Chair and approved
  • Melody nominated for Vice Chair
  • Nancy nominated for Secretary 
  • Dennis nominated for Treasurer
  • Linde nominated for At Large – Community Outreach
  • Melissa nominated for At Large 
  • Shirley nominated for At Large (& NECN rep)
  • Thelma nominated for At Large
  • Keith nominated for At Large
      • Nancy being secretary, wants to vacate her NECN rep position
        • Will vote for new NECN rep at next meeting
  • Report on City organization planning
      • City of Portland reorganizing based on 4 districts
      • Neighborhood Associations concerned about the repositioning of Neighborhood Coalitions within the City structure
        • Advocacy lead to two new listening sessions offered end of September and Early October and some Board Members from WNA attended
        • Revision plan required draft outlines by this deadline and needed more built in time to get community input, timeline is overall ambitious
        • Will need to look into details and follow up on this
        • Until Thursday 10/5 to comment on the city org chart (for implementation in 2025)
      • Reducing 7 neighborhood coalitions to 4 – RFPs will be issued to nonprofits to become one of the new 4 neighborhood coalitions
  • Visioning for WNA upcoming year – general neighbor input
      • Projects
      • Committees
      • Concerns
      • Events
      • Speakers
      • Discussions
      • Additional items
  • Time for neighbor open comments
    • A neighbor who lives in Woodlawn is running for City Council and attended with his family tonight
    • Campana fundraiser dinner to support a chef on staff that has breast cancer – handed out flyers at the meeting
    • Classic Foods is hosting the North Star Village (nonprofit that helps seniors stay in their homes by helping with jobs around their homes and social activities) Handwork Sale Saturday, October 7, 11:00am-3:00pm including quilting, stitchery, weaving, jewelry, clothing, holiday decorations, stained glass, and more!
    • 501c3 rules – it is by the bylaws of the individual entity whether or not we allow minors to serve on the board (so we could consider that and will need to check with NECN)
    • Multnomah Vote on the Bybee Lakes Hope Center and funding was approved >$1M

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

    • WNA Annual Report – WNA submitting accomplishments
    • Treasurer Report – $6,089.90 in account, corrected a charge error with the bank after paying for and not receiving a porta-potty at NNO. WNA has a new debit card now for improved security
  • NECN Report – Difficulty hiring new staff in this transition and city denies saying they cannot hire, August meeting met in person over a meal to regroup with NECN, Interim director is doing a good job but there’s a lot of uncertainty
  • Secretary Report – Newsletter subscribers up to 524, socials
    • Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjela looking for committee members (traffic, housing, etc.), city approved two parcels of property in Woodlawn, housing block size with 4 conjoined houses built on each, work has commenced, seems to fit with neighborhood guidelines, Anjela says they are within the normal guidelines and has no concerns. Gave an overview of different opportunities to review neighborhood developments and also includes dispensary and liquor licenses.
      • Dekum Triangle beautification plans could be revitalized if we have anyone interested, Anjela can support that person
    • Farmer’s Market Update – Saturday from 10: AM  – 2:00 PM through October
      • $7,579 in the account, decreased slightly which is normal for the season
      • Last month for the market
      • Some money will be returned to a grant funder that is money earmarked for SNAP match that is unspent
      • Season ends October 28th with the Harvest Festival (dog and children costume contest!)
      • Always looking for volunteers to set up, table, and tear down
  • Holiday Market is ON! December 15th at the Village Ballroom
  • Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)
    • FEMA test on October 4th on cellphones for high end emergencies

8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements

