We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Reconstructing the Go Woodlawn Blog


Reconstructing the Go Woodlawn Blog

Sometime in 2019, Go Woodlawn, the website of the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association (WNA) was breached and compromised. Many of the posts in the blog from 2019 and before—including meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and notices of events and activities—were all erased and replaced with a spam message. We are slowly working on cleaning up and restoring the content, post by post, as best we can. We are also adding images to many of the blog posts including the monthly agenda and minutes. Many of these photos were taken by WNA board members in and about our wonderful neighborhood.

The public domain photograph above is by Tomasz Krzykała via Wikimedia Commons. Many of the other photographs that appear on blog posts on Go Woodlawn were taken by WNA board members over the years.
