We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

News from Woodlawn Elementary School


News from Woodlawn Elementary School

Week Three – Park Meet up
Once again, our teachers stood strong on the picket line last week, and the support from the Woodlawn Community was truly appreciated!   One message was clear, they miss their WILDCATS! Hope to see you Wednesday 9:15-10:15am at Woodlawn Park to see friends and teachers. Psssssst Join teachers 7:45-10:15 at school!Proposals Side by Side
Representatives from Portland Association of Teachers and PPS met all weekend, and proposals were exchanged Sunday. Here is a side by side comparison  (provided by Portland Teacher’s Association) of what teachers are looking for. Here is a PDF summary of the package offered by Portland Public Schools.

Join teachers holding the line Daily 7:45-10:15am

  • 7:45am – Meet at school for school picket
  • 9am – The group usually meets up with another nearby school, if other locations are planned we try to update Facebook and IG daily.
  • Take a spin around the neighborhood if you don’t see the group
  • Get LOUD