We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Staying Informed about the Upcoming City Government Changes


Staying Informed about the Upcoming City Government Changes

Three major changes are coming to Portland’s governmental structure by 2025. The city will now be broken into four districts with three elected councilors for each district. There will be a city administrator position hired by the mayor to oversee all of the various bureaus. And the city of Portland is moving to a ranked-choice voting system which research has shown leads to more opportunities to have one’s voice heard and to a more diverse slate of representatives. For many of us, it all sounds complicated and confusing. The best way to stay informed is to regularly check in with the folks who are on the front lines doing this important work. You can start here to learn more about the City of Portland Transition as well as submit questions and/or comment. The Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) is another group in they know, working to ensure that charter amendments approved by voters in November 2022 are implemented effectively and efficiently. Finally, there is a wealth of information about all aspects of the various teams and their work in the recently published Transition 2023 Annual Report.
