We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Adopt a Storm Drain!


Adopt a Storm Drain!

The rainy season is back and so it is that time to year when the city of Portland is asking neighborhood folks to adopt a storm drain on their block and keep it clear of debris and blockages. Portland’s storm drains, also known as catch basins, help with stormwater runoff and prevent flooding. When drains get clogged with fallen leaves and other debris, it leads to dangerous ponding along city streets and intersections. Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) crews work hard to keep more than 58,000 storm drains clear but with so many, they can’t get to them all. We can all pitch in to help keep our streets clean and flood-free. Tips for clearing drains are on the website and also below.

How to Clear Storm Drains

  • Use a rake, shovel, or broom. Don’t use your hands.
  • Wear gloves. Be careful of sharp objects!
  • Wear reflective clothing so people driving can see you. Watch out for traffic!
  • Only clear drains you can reach from the sidewalk. Don’t stand in the street and don’t clear drains that are in the middle of a street.
  • Clear drains before the rain, whenever possible.
  • Clear 10 feet on both approaches to the drain.
  • Watch for standing water to avoid slipping or stepping on sharp objects.
  • Make sure adults are supervising if children are helping.
  • Clear surface debris only. Call PBOT Maintenance Dispatch 24/7 at 503-823-1700 for any emergency hazards or if the drain is still clogged after removing surface debris.
  • Never lift storm drain grates. They are very heavy.
  • Don’t put leaves in the street. Place leaves and other organic material in your green compost bin for curbside pickup. If you have too much for the bin, simply use lawn bags and place them next to the roll cart for pickup. If there’s trash in the drain, place this in your regular garbage bin, NOT in the compost.
  • If snow or ice is blocking the drain, clear a 10-12 inch path along the curb for melting snow and ice to reach the drain.
