We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Elementary School 2023 Holiday Gift Drive


Woodlawn Elementary School 2023 Holiday Gift Drive

Every year, staff at Woodlawn Elementary School coordinate a holiday gift drive for their students and their families. Woodlawn is Title 1 school meaning most of its students come from low-income families. School families give staff volunteers their top three most needed and most wanted items for each of their children and rely on generous community donations to fulfill their wishes. Each gift purchased gets wrapped by volunteers and Woodlawn staff before being distributed to families. All gifts purchased go to a child under the age of eighteen years old. If you would like to purchase gifts for Woodlawn school children, please visit this link to sign up for a particular item that you will then go out and purchase directly. Gifts can be mailed directly to the school or dropped off at the office Monday-Friday from 8am to 3pm. Thanks so much for your generosity!