We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn History Trivia #3


Woodlawn History Trivia #3

Round three of the Woodlawn Neighborhood online trivia fest. Once again, many of these tidbits were culled from the book, Portland’s Woodlawn Neighborhood , written by our neighborhood historian, Anjala Ehelebe, and published by Arcadia Publishing. Interestingly, the first history of Woodlawn was in booklet form and authored by a group of Woodlawn PTA parents.

—Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry was originally originally a two-story hotel providing overnight lodging to train travelers. It was later Woodlawn Cleaners, a dry cleaning shop run by Willie Ranson, a longtime member of the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association and the Foot Patrol. Fun fact: Willie was a former painter’s helper for the Oregon Shipyard.

—The former Woodlawn Nickelodeon Theatre is in the building now boasting the newly renovated Dekum Street Theater between Breakside Brewery and Woodlawn Coffee & Pastry. A nickelodeon was a movie theater in ye olden days with an admission fee of a nickel.

—The former Woodlawn Methodist-Episcopal Church on NE 10th Avenue is currently occupied by the Heart of Wisdom Zen Buddhist Temple.

—The Woodlawn streetcar, our WNA logo, ran all the way down to NE 24th.  When it stopped running, it was abandoned for years in front of what is now Classic Foods until it was moved up to Council Crest.

—Woodlawn was known for its small orchards way back when. Royal Anne and Black Lambert cherries, quince, and apple trees all grew in abundance throughout the neighborhood.

