We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Backyard Habitat Certification Program


Backyard Habitat Certification Program

Back in 2009, Portland Audubon and the Columbia Land Trust teamed up to create a unique program that supports urban gardeners in their efforts to create natural backyard habitats. Since then, more than 10,000 properties have signed up for  Backyard Habitat Certification, covering over 2000 acres in the Portland metro area and creating a community that works to revitalize urban landscapes. There are many habitats at all three levels—silver, gold, and platinum—located around the Woodlawn neighborhood in front, side, and back yards. When you are out and about, see how many you can spot. Interested in learning more about the program? Check out the certification criteria here.

The program currently serves residential properties smaller than one acre in most of Clackamas, Clark, Multnomah, and Washington counties. Check out their site density maps here. It works to eliminate noxious weeds while increasing native plantings and thus expanding pollinator and wildlife habitats. Additional habitat benefits include better stormwater management and reduced pesticide use.

The Backyard Habitat motto? Plant roots, create habitat, and transform the world – one yard at a time.





