We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

I Spy


I Spy

…googly eyes on a Woodlawn neighborhood cyclone fence. Don’t you now wonder who put them there and when and even why? And why are they called googly eyes anyway? Here is what Wikipedia has to say on the subject of just what exactly is a googly eye. Which is where you can learn that this seems be an actual thing: “Beginning in the 2000s, a trend called ‘eyebombing’ emerged of sticking googly eyes to objects in the urban environment. The inspiration for the movement has been claimed by French artist Do Benracassa, in his 1980s project, Ça Vous Regarde. It was then developed by two unnamed Danish artists, and a group called the Googly Eyes Foundation emerged to spread the phenomenon.” Who knew? And here we have a pair decorating a humble fence in our neighborhood.

