We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes for WNA June 2024 General Meeting


Minutes for WNA June 2024 General Meeting

 Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona 

 Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio): https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09

Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA

Streamed/recorded on our Youtube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818

Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another.  The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”

7:00 – 7:15 Introductions

  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
  • Quick share:  “What is your favorite thing about Woodlawn?”

7:15 – 8:00 General Business

  • Approve May meeting notes

Dennis Kennedy made a motion to approve. Anjala seconded. All were in favor so the minutes were approved.

  • Presentation on Rank Choice voting in Portland by Leah Benson

Leah Benson from GTAC (Government Transition Advisory Committee) tasked with implementing the charter reform that Portland on in November 2022. Leah is also Ranked Choice Voting Manager with Multomah County. Her presentation was intended to help folks understand how to mark ranked-choice ballot and to know where to go to get more information. Some background: We now have 4 geographic districts and vote by district. Woodlawn is in District #2 and we have 24 candidates running! This week, a bunch of campaigns to educate voters about ranked-choice voting will begin going our. Leah walked everyone through a ranked-choice voting sample ballot.

  • Collaboration with Concordia and Vernon Neighborhood Associations for a presence at Sunday bikeways at NE 37th & NE Alberta Court. Volunteers from WNA have signed up and will be representing us, June 16th
  • WNA has long been sponsoring 4 trash stops along Dekum. We need folks to adopt the 4 stops and empty the trash cans regularly. Dave will do Dekum and 15 eastbound. Nancy will do Dekum and Durham by the park. Heath will do Dekum & 6. Once the  Dekum and MLK is located a volunteer is needed for that one. . We need volunteers to do these stops. Emptying the cans twice a week is ideal.
  • Updates on current projects underway:

Donor fundraising


No progress yet here.

Woodlawn Neighborhood Cleanup

The day after dumpster day. Working with local Buy Nothing group and SOLVE to stage the event on June 30 from 9:30 AM to noon. Family-friendly and open to everyone. What areas need attention? Invasive plant removal? The group will start at Woodlawn Park on the Dekum side. SOLVE will take care of permits, supplies, and disposing of trash at the end.

Dumpster Day

This year’s Dumpster Day for the King, Sabin, and Woodlawn neighborhoods will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. —or until the dumpsters are full! And, like last year, the event will be held at For Good and Company at 6360 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Cars should enter from NE Grand Ave, southbound.

Movie in the Park(ing Lot)

Need to send movie survey out. July 11th. Melissa will get a flyer from one of the graphic designers for this movie. The survey is now up on Go Woodlawn under the Events page and the blog. And will go out on other social media platforms and in a newsletters.  Deadline to vote the movie of your choice is June 19th by midnight.

Neighborhood Socials

Next one is on June 12 at Café Eleven with coffee and Ice cream. 6:30 pm. This is an excellent way for WNA to visibly support local businesses and have fun at the same time.

Neighborhood Night Out

Park permit in progress. August 6th. Sweet Curmudgeon will be there.

T-shirt Fundraiser

Second order. $25. WNA gets $15 of that. Hand printed in our neighborhood shirts! Misprint shirts are cheaper! 100% Cotton! Nancy will put the T shirt post back into a prominent place on Go Woodlawn to encourage sales.

Other Updates

Anjala will be leading her Woodlawn History Walking Tours on the 1st and 3rd Sunday starting at 9 AM.The First Sunday tours focus on how neighbors teamed up to shape the neighborhood. The 3rd Sunday tours are about some criminal and X-rated happenings to no children on that tour.  Meet at the NW corner of NE Durham and NE Dekum.

Saturday July 20th tentative Pedalpalooza Bike Ride ending at Woodlawn. 10 AM to Noon. Anjala would handle the end with a little history of Woodlawn.

  • Ideas for hearing from District Candidates
  • Time for Neighbor Open Comments

Anjala is our rep to NECN. Point agency for creating the new district 2. Going out and meeting other neighborhoods that will be folded into this district 2. Woodlawn is the Ferrari of NAs—we are active and going good work.

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  • Treasurer’s Report – Dennis

We earned $600 last month. 2 donations. Alberta Eye Care and Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry. $5318.90 in bank and no expenditures.

Anjala makes a motion that Barbara, Dennis, and Melody be the board members officially on the WNA bank account. Melissa seconds. Motion passes by the vote of board members who can vote on financial matters.

  • NECN Report – Anjala 

Linde is our District 2 neighborhood champion liaision via NECN. Coordinating zoom calls with all the champions to discuss how NECN and city will continue to support permitting and insurance for events. Lots of questions about equal representation! Priorities still getting support from district coalition office to conduct events, have resources, supplies, etc. More to come on this. The official transtion occurs in July! More than NAs will be folded into District 2. Roughly 27 organizations. Creating something new – exciting and messy.

  • Secretary Report – Nancy

Working with Shelly to learn how to “clean up” the sponsor logos currently on Go Woodlawn website. Adding new sponsors like Alberta Eye Care and deleting older ones, including a few defunct businesses.

  • Outreach and Community Engagement Report – Linde
  • DCO D2 Coalition activity – WNA champion Linde
  • Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjala


1609 NE Liberty:

Land Use meetings are on an as needed basis at this point.

The applicant has requested a Middle Housing Land Division to subdivide the subject site into5 lots. A middle housing land division allows sites with certain existing or proposed housing types to be divided concurrently with development or after development is complete. The middle housing development type that is proposed to be divided is a cottage cluster and willresult in each unit being located on its own lot. Deadline to comment is June 6th. Get your comments to Anjala—affordablity and parking issues came up. WNA also has some clout re: historic houses but less so with these types of projects. Middle level infill having cottage clusters.



  • Farmer’s Market Update  – Keith

No update available. Market is seeking volunteers.

8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements

