Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 7:00 pm
Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona
Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio): https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09
Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA
Streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818
Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another. The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”
7:00 – 7:15 Introductions
- Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
- Social time – talk to your neighbors
7:15 – 8:00 General Business
- Approve January meeting notes. No board quorum when this item came up so January minutes will need to be approved at the March WNA meeting.
- Presentation for Woodlawn PTA 6th Annual Jazz Night
- Lots of neighborhood support for this event each year and donations
- Biggest fundraiser for the year to support Woodlawn Elementary for over 100 years, serves 300 students, grown year over year, 64% of families are minority students and 65% are low income families, the PTA fundraisers for staff lounge (resiliency room) – coffee, tea, and water, community building events for neighborhood that are free (clean ups, movie nights, jazz night, celebrate Woodlawn), most of all raises money for the Woodlawn Resilience Fund and emergency fund for neighborhood/school families in times of need (overdue utilitiees, food, medical bills) and then also connects them to services and support.
- Goal is $20,000 this year
- Honoring the jazz history of Albina neighborhood and black community.
- Our very own Anjala is one of the storytellers along with musicians, and Paul Knauls.
- Friday February 28th at Village Ballroom – raffles, free entry, food dinner
- Board voted to donate $100 to the event – Yes votes: Barbara, Anjala, Linde (first motion), Keith (second motion), David, Melissa, Melody
- Presentation by District 2 Councilman Dan Ryan
- Dan provided updates on the new council.
- Reviewed committees – transportation & infrastructure committee has no District 2 (D2) representation which they are aware of, asking for community input to help with raising issues to D2 reps
- Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Finance Committee, Governance Committee (Dan Ryan is vice chair of that committee) – sets the rules for reorganization structures/oversight, Arts & Economic Committee, Homelessness and Housing Committee (Dan Ryan is member of the committee), Community & public safety committee (Kanal is a co-chair), Climate Resilience Committee (Dan is D2 rep), Labor & Workforce Development Committee (Kanal is a co-chair).
- Oversight of administrative part and legislative development
- Dan believes that councilmembers will have more availability and space to be present in the committee (attending all NA meetings in D2 quarterly)
- Dan predicts a very difficult budget season this year – restricted and reduced federal funds (pandemic money ending, new federal leadership), reduced revenue streams from businesses and families moving out of Portland.
- Focused on delivery of services, consolidating and unsilo-ing efforts, livability, public safety, utilities.
- How will D2 councilors be accessible to NAs and NECN?
- There will be in District offices (likely somewhere near to Woodlawn and along the yellow line potentially)
- Councilors have 2 staff
- How will the city financially support NAs?
- Proto solutions launched – some things like core services in neighborhoods focus? NAs are part of the “back to the basics” and Dan shares the concern.
- Are committees 1:1 representative of administrative bureaus?
- And there are 27 bureaus and offices.
- Engagement officer and Councilors role?
- Unclear now, but council will be is constituent services and present in the community still.
- Developments on Kenton Firehouse?
- City will slow-walk it to ensure it remains a community asset. Sale was blocked and in a holding pattern.
- Prosper Portland and where that falls?
- No oversight, just policy. Ensure it is part of economic development purview. Dan believes they go beyond what they were charged to do (mission creep). They started a small business office, but they have historically not had success in that area.
- Quick update on Oregon Public House, Village Ballroom.
- Nothing to share
- Storytelling grant
- Met with Eric. Made a presentation last meeting on a poetry/spoken word event, seeking a community grant to fund a location.
- Not submitting by deadline of February 10th as didn’t get to draft the grant.
- NECN Communications grant proposal
- Vote for approval of communications list: Linde (first motion), Keith (second motion), Dave, Anjala, Barbara
- Approve Budget for Easter Egg Hunt
- $350 for eggs, candy, supplies approved – Dave (first motion), Keith (second motion), Anjala, Barbara, Linde
- April 19, 2025, Saturday at 11am rain or shine
- Next neighborhood Social & reports on other projects
- High Water Mark mid February, Cafe Eleven early March – flyers and promotions to come!
- Still need volunteer to coordinate Neighborhood Night Out
- Tuesday, August 5th
- Presentation and discussion of Survey results, if we have enough responses.
- Dumpster Day is May 24, 2025
- A neighborhood and SOLVE clean up and big free buy nothing “sale” are also in the works by Woodlawn neighbors
- Saturday, February 8th is next Winter Woodlawn Market in Classic Foods!
- 16 vendors offering produce, salsa, bread venders, cakes, etc.
- Double up food match, snap and EBT are all accepted.
- Regular season beginning in June
- $29k in Woodlawn Farmers Market Fund
- Time for Neighbor Open Comments
- History Bike Ride this summer 2025—
- John organized Pedalpalooza ride and history bike tour (Anjala gave a tour in Woodlawn), and now wants to coordinate with other NAs for future events.
- Keith going to Piedmont, Linde to Vernon meetings, Nancy to attend Concordia in March.
- John organized Pedalpalooza ride and history bike tour (Anjala gave a tour in Woodlawn), and now wants to coordinate with other NAs for future events.
- Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Finance Committee, Governance Committee (Dan Ryan is vice chair of that committee) – sets the rules for reorganization structures/oversight, Arts & Economic Committee, Homelessness and Housing Committee (Dan Ryan is member of the committee), Community & public safety committee (Kanal is a co-chair), Climate Resilience Committee (Dan is D2 rep), Labor & Workforce Development Committee (Kanal is a co-chair).
8:00 – 8:20 Board Business
- Treasurer’s Report – Melissa. Barbara gave the Treasurer’s report for Melissa. Bank balance is $3,080.94. We need treasurer’s report on bank balance for our communications grant application.
- NECN Report – Anjala — no updates.
- Secretary Report – Nancy – no updates.
- Outreach and community engagement Report – Linde – no updates.
- Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjala
- No updates but plan to draft letters about dangers of Portland Hwy and 15th intersections
- Farmer’s Market Update & Winter Markets – Keith
- See above!
8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements