Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona
Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio): https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09
Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA
Streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818
Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another. The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”
7:00 – 7:15 Introductions
- Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
- Social time – talk to your neighbors
7:15 – 8:00 General Business
- Approve February meeting notes.
Anjala makes the motion that the board approve the February minutes. Melissa seconds and all approve. Motion passes and Linde voted in favor as well via Zoom.
- Presentation by District 2 Councilman Sameer Kanal
Sameer Kanal is one of the new councilors for District 2. Originally born and raised in/around in the area, Kanal Portland, Vancouver, Camas connections. His background: community engagement, public safety issues. In his view, Portland residents want more inclusive and safer communities throughout the city. Kanal ran because he feels his background can help meet these goals for the city. He is currently a member of council committees concerned with labor/work force development; climate and land use resilience; and safety. He feels that neighborhood associations are a vital part of how we do community engagement in Portland as well as a good place for councilors to share information. He feels we also need to do more outreach to renters (47% of the city residents). The new council is exploring the notion of having offices in each of the districts. Current preference is for District 2 to be in the historic Albina neighborhood area—dependent upon funding and other resources.
Other topics discussed include: how things are going with the new governmental structure; additional TV spots at shelter sights to help with the houselessness situation; the status of the Portland police accountability problem and the new police oversight board; the potential for a long-term vacant property tax that could also apply to businesses; better staffing and turnaround times at 311 phone number for non-emergencies and 911 for emergencies; and the recent hiring of an engagement coordinator who will work with neighborhood associations. Kanal feels that crime and violence prevention efforts are the most efficient use of funding in the public safety space and hope the city can grow Portland Street Response to get to 24/7 coverage. Finally, on February 8, 2025, Portland joined the San Francisco lawsuit to sue the federal government re: sanctuary city status and their threat to block funding for this.
Volunteer sign up for Easter Egg Hunt
Barbara reported that the park permit has been pulled. We need to get three tents, tables, and chairs from Keith and Farmers Market. Dave is thinking about adding more family-friendly activities, so it feels like a carnival. He has all the games, etc. sorted out. Should we rent a bunny costume? April 5, 10 am at Barbara’s house to fill the eggs. April 19th, event begins 11 am. Hiding of the eggs happens at 10 am. Signup sheets for volunteers to fill the eggs and to work the day of the event were circulated.
- Next neighborhood Social at Cafe Eleven
March 6, 2025, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
- Reports on other projects: Communication Grant from NECN
It has been submitted.
Storytelling Grant
This grant is not being pursued at this time.
Donation Drive
Melissa will share more thoughts on this at our April WNA meeting.
Movie Night
Give contact info to Melissa from the other NAs. If neighbors are interested in helping out, you are also welcome.
Pedapalooza bike ride
Give contact info to John T. from other NAs. If neighbors are interested in helping out, you are also welcome.
Visits to other neighborhood associations
In progress. Hopefully able to happen by our April meeting.
Dumpster Day – May 24th, Neighborhood Cleanup
City puts dumpsters and we can bring our junk and drop it off. If neighbors are interested in helping out, you are also welcome.
T shirt Sales.
We have about 32 or 34 left. $25 each. PZ will make room for us to sell them at the indoor market on May 10th if we can find WNA reps to sit there and sell them. Nancy and Melissa volunteered do this.
Still need volunteer to coordinate Neighborhood Night Out – Tuesday, August 5th
- Presentation and discussion of Survey results, if we have enough responses.
Quick summary:
Need to look a little longer at the meeting times though to determine which date and time is most prevalent.
67 total responses though is pretty good!
- Communication: WNA Email Newsletter and Facebook were the primary ways respondents heard about events.
- Event Interests: National Night Out/Party on Portland and Neighborhood Clean Up were popular event choices. Respondents also suggested other events like block parties and an annual arts event.
- NNO/POP Feedback: Live music, food, and community information tables were highlighted as important aspects of NNO/POP. Some suggested additional activities like carnival games and a clothing swap.
- Additional Feedback: Some respondents shared specific concerns like traffic calming measures and emergency preparedness, while others expressed appreciation for the WNA and a desire to be more involved.
- Winter Woodlawn Market in Classic Foods. Saturday, March 8th is the next one.
- Time for Neighbor Open Comments
Liz reported that there is a house near the Woodlawn Elementary School on NE Holland with toxic material spilling out, toxic waste dump. The woman who lives there when she goes off her medication throws everything outside and it spoils. More bags then junk recently appeared. Has anyone reported it to PDX Reporter?
8:00 – 8:20 Board Business
- Treasurer’s Report – Melissa
Communications grant request has been submitted. Our WNA bank account balance is currently $2959.10. We donated $100 to the PTA Jazz Night fundraiser. Overall, things are looking pretty lean. Melissa will be presenting fundraising goals at the April 2025 WNA meeting.
- NECN Report – Anjala
Neighborhood Coalition office is being reconfigured. Now District 2 NECN is going to look for other sources for funding outside the city funding stream. They are now seeking Zoom attendees to city council meetings (there are 28) and then report back to District NECN. NECoalition.org website has lots of great information.
- Secretary Report – Nancy
No report this month.
- Outreach and community engagement Report – Linde
No report this month.
- Woodlawn Buy Nothing Neighborhood Cleanup with Solve.
Buy Nothing group administrators are organizing a neighborhood cleanup from 10 am to noon from SOLVE on April 5, 2025. More details to follow in our newsletter and then on Go Woodlawn website.
- Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjala
The WNA LUTC gets notified whenever any development is being planned, liquor or cannabis licensing. So far, we have a “boring” winter = no news = relief for now.
- Farmer’s Market Update & Winter Markets – Keith
Keith couldn’t be at the meeting, so Erin gave the board update. March winter market this Saturday at Classic Foods. Looking for board members and volunteers and vendors. Got a climate resilience grant which only pays for specific things. Market with the lowest entrance fee in PDX and we are a business incubator market.
8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements