We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association February 6, 2019 Social & Meeting Agenda


Woodlawn Neighborhood Association February 6, 2019 Social & Meeting Agenda

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association 

February 6, 2019 Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 6, 2019    6:30 – 8:30pm
at Classic Foods, 817 NE Madrona St, Portland, OR 97211



Social Half-Hour with Food and Libations

Welcome and Introductions

7:10-7:15 Approvals

Approve agenda for this meeting.

Approve January meeting minutes.

7:15-7:45 New Business

Paul Millius, Recruiting Assistant with the US Bureau of the Census re: hiring staff for 2020 Decennial Census (5 minutes)

Shira & Jason Yovu, Retro Game Bar at 6720 MLK re: Liquor License Application and to talk about the business (10 minutes)

Rick Reynolds & Johnmark Larson. Discussion about WNA support for ongoing neighborhood cleanup efforts. Trash as an environmental issue. Approving a small annual budget ($100 – $200) to purchase supplies. Adding another Adopt-a-Stop trashcan. Ways to deal with abandoned cars. (15 minutes)

7:45-8:00 Announcements for Upcoming Winter Events, Deadlines, Other News:

Copies of Hey Neighbor! with two articles featuring Woodlawn. https://www.necoalition.org/newspaper/

Woodlawn Movie in the Park choices submitted —Maija

Update on Woodlawn Scavenger Hunt new timeline – Anjala

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability released draft of code changes proposed for historic resources (including Conservation Districts) for public review and comment between now and April 1, 2019. Sending notice to all owners in the Woodlawn Conservation District inviting them to public events in March. Available to talk to WNA again if of interest. https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/75733

Lloyd to Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway Summary Report and Project Updates. Handout and online at https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ORPORTLAND/bulletins/226bf78

Lime e-scooter and e-bike demo for a Spring WNA meeting? Jeremy Nelson from Lime reached out via e-mail.

Schedule our Woodlawn Cleanup/Community Collection Event  — need to submit date by March 5th

Other time-sensitive items: Portland Housing Advisory Commission seeking new members apply by February 21st.  Office of Community & Civic Life Listening Sessions re: updating the city code. Additional information/schedule on handout.

Potential Showing of “Priced Out” in April 2019 at Alberta Abbey. Sponsored by NECN & Alberta Food Co-op. Nancy is participating in meetings. Should have update by March meeting.


Feral Cat Coalition FREE spaying for feral and stray cats in February. Flyers on the table.

8:00-8:25 Board and Community Business

Treasurer’s Report—Dennis

Land Use & Transportation Committee—Anjala

NET – Erin
MIC & Happy Hour – ?

Farmers’ Market—Martin & Erin

NECN Board Meeting—Shirley/Dennis

8:25-8:30 Final Thoughts and Adjourn

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