We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Levee Ready Columbia Survey — June 3 through July 5, 2019


Levee Ready Columbia Survey — June 3 through July 5, 2019

Levee Ready Columbia is a partnership of over twenty public, private, nonprofit, and community-based organizations committed to reducing the risk of flooding for an area critical to the region’s future and supporting the environment and recreational value of the lands along the Columbia River in the Portland metro region. Every year, there’s a significant chance we’ll experience a major flood on the Columbia River in the Portland metro area. A 27-mile levee system helps reduce the risk of flooding along the Columbia from North Portland through Gresham, Fairview, and Troutdale. But no levee can eliminate all risk, and the federal government has deemed our levees inadequate to protect lives and for residents and business owners in the area to qualify for affordable flood insurance. In Summer of 2019, they conducted a survey and invited input from the Woodlawn neighborhood residents. The information gleaned from that survey has been used to update information on their very information website.
