We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

New Traffic Cameras In and Near Woodlawn


New Traffic Cameras In and Near Woodlawn

Heads Up!

Speeding is a top contributing factor to deadly crashes across the Portland region. Speed and intersection safety cameras are a proven tool to support safe speeds, reduce dangerous speeding, and save lives.

The Vision Zero team at the Portland Bureau of Transportation contacted Woodlawn Neighborhood Association to let us know that the city is installing four new speed safety cameras at NE Columbia Boulevard near NE 33rd Avenue in the westbound direction, NE Columbia Boulevard near NE 28th Avenue in the eastbound direction, NE MLK Jr. Boulevard near NE Holman Street in the northbound direction, and NE MLK Jr. Boulevard near NE Ashley Street in the southbound direction in the Woodlawn neighborhood. To give drivers an opportunity to adjust, we will send warning letters during this interim warning period. Upon conclusion of this interim warning period, the Portland Police Bureau will issue actual citations.

To learn more, please visit VisionZeroPortland.com/SafetyCameras. For questions, comments, or concerns, please send us an email at FixedSpeedSafetyCamera@PortlandOregon.gov or call the photo enforcement violation hotline at 503-221-0415.
