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Portland’s African American Historic Sites Honored by National Park Service


Portland’s African American Historic Sites Honored by National Park Service

On July 1, 2020, the National Park Service (NPS) announced formal recognition of the historic significance of Portland’s African American experience through a pair of new listings on the National Register of Historic Places. The first listing — African American Resources in Portland, Oregon, from 1851 to 1973 — is a 191-page umbrella Multiple Property Document (MPD) that elevates the eligibility of historic sites associated with Portland’s Black history for listing in the National Register. Designation is a significant step in acknowledging and honoring Black communities and history in Portland; increases opportunities for additional resources and funding to preserve and enhance these important cultural structures and institutions. Photographs of eligible sites and additional historical information are available on the Bureau of  Planning and Sustainability website here.

Deans Barber Shop and Beauty Salon on NE Hancock Street is one of the properties that was given historic register status. The photograph above was taken by Another Believer in August 2022 and is on Wikimedia Commons.
