We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from April 2023 WNA General Meeting


Minutes from April 2023 WNA General Meeting

  Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 7:00 pm

Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona 

 Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio): https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09

Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA

Streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818

Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another.  The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”

7:00 – 7:15 Introductions

  • Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
  • Quick share:  “What is your superpower?”

7:15 – 8:00 General Business

  • Approve March meeting notes

Motion to approve the March meeting notes. Thelma makes the motion. Keith seconds. Motion passed.

  • Open Discussion – Neighborhood safety concerns – traffic, gang violence, other concerns

Sameer Kanal rom the City of Portland Safety Division. Their role is to support volunteer boards and commissions regarding public safety. Two volunteer groups are recruiting new members.

(1)Community Engaged Policing PCCEP committee and the mayor must respond to their recommendations = once a month with two subcommittees meeting once a month.

(2) Citizen Review Committee CRC – appeals body regarding police oversight and provide recommendations. CRC is part of the current system of police oversight which may be replaced by a new board approved by voters in 2020. Time commitment 2 to 4 hours a month. Meetings are virtual mostly.

Traffic news from Anjala. Franklin at Good Neighbor said that (finally!) there is a crosswalk going in—from the chiropractor’s office across to Firehouse Restaurant. Hooray!

We seem to have more loss of police responsiveness above and beyond the staffing shortages at the police department. An officer (Royce Barber) stopped by the egg hunt. Checked in with the gathering.

Worries about speeding vehicles continue throughout the neighborhood.

A neighbor on Zoom voiced concern about a shooting on Dekum and Grand two weeks ago around midnight. A guy was shot up in his car. Did we have any follow-up information?  No.

Jerome re: safety and policy—he works a lot with the police. WNA is a way to be connected and have a voice and a platform to give input into the police changes in the city in general. Police are overwhelmed, overworked. The squeaky wheel gets the attention!

  • Easter Egg Hunt – Event wrap up.  A success. Kudos to Dave, Elsie, and Ryan who coordinated the event and everyone else who volunteered!
  • WNA Champion @ NECN – Linde – is at her first champion’s meeting, representing WNA at NECN. This work is about helping NECN combine all the NAs in District 2 as part of the new District governance structure. They need a plan for the city by June 30th.
  • Free yard tree giveaway program – Shelby reported that our request to be a contractor has been submitted. A $10,000 grant is involved.
  • Donor Fundraising – Update. A few donations are slowly trickling in.
  • T Shirts Fundraiser – T Shirts are here! Shelby has them for pickup and a few extras for sale too. Shelby contacted Tymon and he will do a second run, an order for 40! So we will continue the T shirt fundraiser. Total of $460 made on these so far. Could we also sell them at the Farmers Market, too? Keith says, absolutely!
  • Updates on current projects – as available – Neighborhood cleanup, Movie in the Park(ing Lot), Youth Board Member, Neighborhood Socials, any others.

Linde took SOLV training. For free, SOLV will support our neighborhood cleanup and get us supplies including modest funds. If Woodlawn Park is our starting location for this event, no permit is needed, so no permit will be needed. Recommendation to have our cleanup on the same day as the June 29th Dumpster Day for Sabin/Vernon/Woodlawn.

Movie in the Parking Lot—Melissa.

Survey and came up with dates that work Thursday evening = preferred. July 11, July 18 or Friday July 19. Motion to have movie night on July 11th. Melissa made the motion, Julian seconds. All are in favor.

Shelby is seeking clever ideas for how to socialize the Youth Board Member(s) – maybe more luck doing it through community members and parents. Franklin/Jefferson students take classes at PCC. Can we also expand to college-age to still get the youth perspective? Yes!

The next neighborhood social will be Wednesday April 10th 6:30 pm at Good Neighbor Pizza.

Nature walks, bird walks, community garden tours this summer and tours of special yards in the neighborhood—these are some ideas to get folks out walking around and in the neighborhood. Amy (formerly on WNA board) is interested in planning some of these. Anjala will also be doing history walks. Can WNA sponsor some community event/activity at the farmers market? Bike repair? What else?

  • We still need a lead volunteer (or a committee) for Neighborhood Night Out in August! Melissa is willing to do the food. Barbara will take the lead if she has a good committee. Let her know if you are interested.
  • Woodlawn Elementary PTA Jazz Night update. A success and good PR/good will for WNA as a donor.
  • Meeting Owl received and request for funds submitted to NECN. NECN gave us $1000+ for Owl and part of the Go Woodlawn website software update.
  • Ideas for May meeting guest speaker. UPDATE: Jim Labbe of Participatory Budgeting Oregon will be the May speaker.
  • Time for Neighbor open comments

8:00 – 8:20 Board Business

  • Treasurer’s Report & spending discussion – Dennis

Made about $10 in March. 😊 Balance $3820.90. NECN grant of $1000+ to go toward Owl purchase and the Go Woodlawn website upgrade.

Discussion about how we need to formalize a process for donating money when we receive requests. The idea is that a request would be sent out ahead of time, and the request would be considered based on budgeting and what we have in the bank. Board discussion would occur when the people requesting are not present.

Dennis has also said he will not be running for Treasurer again in October. Shelby proposes a motion to make a policy change re: $50 limit. To wit:  A purchase for the benefit of WNA up to and including $50 may be made without needing Board action first.  Dennis seconded. Motion passes. The Treasurer should be able to pay legally required fees without accessing the board. Absolutely!

Venmo as a way to transmit money. Fees are less than PayPal. We can do a QR code for this. Melissa makes a motion to get Venmo. Shelby seconds. Melody says we already have Venmo, and she will make sure it is still working.

  • NECN Report – Anjala

NECN still building up staff but getting jobs done.

  • Secretary Report – Nancy

Website transition in progress—switchover to the upgraded WordPress should be happening during the week of April 8th. Nancy is attempting to figure out how to feature photos of the egg hunt on Go Woodlawn. She has reached out to Shelly Caldwell for help with this.

  • Outreach and community engagement Report – none because Linde is at NECN Champion’s meeting
  • Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjala

Met with a neighbor concerned about speeding on 8th and Holman. Came up with strategies. If you have a traffic calming question, get in touch with Anjala re: this.

  • Farmer’s Market Update  – Keith

New market manager hired. Peter Zelenka/PZ/they. Lives in the neighborhood. Farmers Market has a bit over $4K in their account. Saturdays 10 to 2 starting in June 2024. Afternoon volunteers for takedown are needed. Also need volunteers to sit at neighborhood info booth and answer questions.

  • Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) – Erin – no updates

8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements




