Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Please make every effort to join us In Person at Classic Foods: 817 NE Madrona
Or join the meeting online via Zoom (now with improved audio): https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09
Meeting ID: 301 466 2210 , Passcode: WNA
Streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/@woodlawnneighborhoodassoci5818
Welcome and Vision: “In the future, Woodlawn will be a place where people live harmoniously, respectfully, and in support of one another. The neighborhood will be a clean and thriving community… All Woodlawn residents will share and pursue the common values of health, efficiency, beauty, equity, and justice.”
7:00 – 7:15 Introductions
- Please share name, pronouns, & what brought you to tonight’s meeting
- Quick share: “What do you most enjoy doing in the summer?”
7:15 – 8:00 General Business
- Approve June meeting notes.
Thelma makes a motion to approve the minutes. Melissa seconded. All were in favor, so the minutes were approved.
- Report on Portland Harbor Superfund Sitewide Community Impacts Mitigation Plan (CIMP)—
Erin Cooper has been involved on the community review committee for this process for a few years which just affects the Willamette River sites. She read the “blurb” about this plan that has recently been submitted about the 60-day review period for the mitigation plan.
More information about the plan is online. Feedback online can be given here online: https://phcimp.konveio.com/draft-portland-harbor-community-impacts-mitigation-plan-cimp. Comment period ends August 6th. Josie Clark is the contact at EPA. Erin’s impression is that because we don’t actually live on/near the site, we may be less affected than other neighborhoods like Sellwood and St. John’s.
- Movie in the Parking Lot Update—Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 7 p.m.
Good to go. Need to get a portable toilet for $245. Melissa did the research. For Good and Company will donate this toilet as an in-kind donation. Popcorn? Rent a popcorn machine and supplies for $10 or less. Melissa will offer an in-kind donation from For Good and Company that covers the Honey Bucket and the popcorn machine. We will be sure to have donation “buckets” available everywhere to encourage folks to contribute. Posters available to hang up around the neighborhood.
- Neighborhood Night Out/Party on Portland
First Tuesday in August in place of our meeting for that month. Planning meeting to discuss what needs to be done will be held on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 6 pm at Ps and Qs.
- WNA to have a table at Woodlawn Farmers Market
Nancy and Barbara can staff a WNA at the Woodlawn Farmers Market table for July 13th if it is free. And again on August 3rd. If we bring our own tent, we can set up our own WNA table. Otherwise, we have to check with PZ the manager to see when the Community table is available so we can volunteer. We will be selling our Woodlawn T-shirts at that table as well.
- Updates on current projects:
Sunday Parkways
Keith, Melissa, and Nancy joined the Vernon and Concordia NA folks to staff the corner of NE 37th and NE Alberta Court throughout the entire Cully Parkways event. The NA table was very well-received perhaps because of the delicious goodies and water that were provided by the Concordia folks? Good outreach was done.
Donor Fundraising
Neighborhood cleanup: From Linde—Neighborhood Clean up was a huge success with 20+ people participating, including a team from CarMax, collecting 28 bags of trash. Shout out Nancy for being a super picker upper with the pick-up truck!
Dumpster Day
200 people came through. No stats on how much garbage and recycling. Switching out dumpsters all day. Stuff went to the Community Warehouse and/or offered up for re-use whenever possible.
Neighborhood Socials
Julian suggests Wednesday, July 24th at Breakside at 6:30 pm. It is now on the Go Woodlawn Events calendar.
- Discussion of future potential projects for WNA—from our Winter 2023 brainstorm activity:
- Woodlawn Nature Walks – perhaps schedule a few for Fall 2024?
- Events in Woodlawn Park are complicated because of the need for reservations and permits.
- Connecting with neighbors in apartment complexes—how to do this better? We need brilliant ideas re: this and to make this a priority this fall.
- Neighborhood livability issues. We should be a clearinghouse for these issues and concerns. Let’s be sure to keep any notices about livability on Go Woodlawn and in our newsletter as well.
- Time for Neighbor Open Comments
- From Jon—Bike ride/history tour ride for Pedalpalooza through Woodlawn has been scheduled for August 3, 2024, Saturday. 10 AM starting time. Starting point is Mississippi Avenue/Boise then friends of Peninsula Park will do a rose garden history tour, and Anjala will do history tour in Dekum Triangle and end at the Farmer’s Market. We are on the Pedalpalooza calendar and that will also be linked to via Go Woodlawn.
- Shirley requests to add a discussion of starting the meeting at an earlier time to the to the September agenda,
8:00 – 8:20 Board Business
- Treasurer’s Report and Election of Acting Treasurer
We need to designate an acting treasurer because of Dennis’s health situation; he had already indicated he would be resigning in October 2024 as well. Appointing an Acting Treasurer election deferred until the next meeting when board members are present. Melody may be willing to be acting treasurer in addition to board co-chair. In his Farmers Market role, Keith works very closely with the WNA Treasurer as well.
- NECN Report – Anjala
Champion liaison update from Anjala because Linde who couldn’t be at the meeting tonight.
As of July 1, 2024, NECN is the nucleus of the new city District #2. The situation has gone from 6 board members and 3 at-large members to having the potential of 30 board members! Between now and Board Selection vote in September, meetings will be held to figure out how to govern the new entity. Next year, there will be a Request for Proposal (RFP)—city wants to see if there is another nonprofit out there who can do the job well. So there will be a potential for NECN to apply to creatively seek outside funding for the organization. What the NAs coming together into this new larger want: 1) The city has reassured NECN that there will still the funds to send $1000 per organization—unrestricted money can be used as you want. 2) Insurance! Events insurance coverage and liability insurance coverage are desired by the NAs.
- Secretary Report – Nancy
We are currently aiming to keep “timely” items on the opening page of Go Woodlawn and at the top levels of the blog. Send her any notices of events or meetings you hear about/know about and they will get posted as well. will get them posted as well. On the horizon? More informational posts about neighborhood things like the Farmers Market as well as featuring our various Woodlawn businesses and ongoing scheduled events. Nancy will work with Shelly to get a “button” on the home page that highlights our monthly WNA meeting as well.
- Outreach and community engagement Report – Linde N/A
- DCO D2 Coalition activity – WNA champion Linde (see above, Anjala’s report)
- Land Use and Transportation Report – Anjala
No report this month.
- Farmer’s Market Update – Keith
Woodlawn Farmer’s Market (WFM) bank account currently has $4082. This includes a large grant-funded post card project to create cards for specific zip codes in the neighborhood to remind folks about the market. The new market manager is doing a great job. Three areas of ongoing concern: Vendors—having some trouble finding more of them. We are especially looking for vegetable vendors. Visitors—working on outreach. Volunteers—more are needed for—(1) 40 minutes for set up at 8:30 AM for a “slow” setup (2) Welcome booth—sitting and taking SNAP transactions. 10 to noon, noon to 2 are the shifts and (3) Similar break down shift at the end of the market, super-fast takedown for 40 minutes or so. Outreach is happening to folks like Headwaters Farm, farm/food incubators, and the Food Lab at OSU here in PDX for food entrepreneurs who might be interested in being vendors at the WFM.
NET—Anjala urges Erin Cooper to get in touch with Jona at NECN to expand emergency preparedness activity outreach with her.
8:20 – 8:30 Additional agenda items and announcements
No meeting of the Woodlawn Neighborhood Association in AUGUST 2024. bNational Night Out Instead.