We Meet Every First Tuesday at Classic Foods 7:00 pm (except in August)

Minutes from June 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes (minutes are in draft until approved at the next meeting) Tuesday June 7th, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Meeting was recorded […]

Minutes from May 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes May 2022 (minutes are in draft until approved at the next meeting)   7:00 – 7:10   Welcome! Please share your name, pronouns, and […]

Minutes from April 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting minutes – draft until approved at next meeting Your voice matters in our community-let it be heard here. All are invited and welcomed.   7:00 – […]

Minutes from March 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes March 2022 minutes  (draft until approved at next meeting)   Woodlawn Neighborhood Association March 2022 Meeting agenda  Present:  Board: Melody Randolph, Anjala Ehlebe, Thelma […]

Minutes from Feb 2022 WNA General Meeting

Draft until approved at the next meeting: Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda Online at  Zoom  Meeting online only this month. Meeting will be recorded and posted to YouTube.   […]

Minutes from January 2022 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Hybrid Meeting – Oregon Public House + online via Zoom and Facebook Live   January 4, 2022 – 7pm meeting (https://zoom.us/j/3014662210?pwd=d3VKbXkzVldqYzNWU2RwVm9OUkZyZz09)   Minutes (draft until […]

Minutes from December 2021 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting  Minutes (draft until approved at next meeting) Agenda for December 1st, 2021 – 7pm meeting (zoom info at bottom) Agenda: 7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and […]

Minutes from November 2021 WNA General Meeting

Minutes for Woodlawn Neighborhood Association meeting, Nov 2 2021 (draft until approved at next meeting)  7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and Introductions-Meeting is recorded Chat intros: name, pronouns, topics/speakers you would […]

MInutes from October 2021 WNA General Meeting

Woodlawn Neighborhood Association General Meeting Minutes (draft until approved at next meeting) Oct 6, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time    Agenda for October 6th: 7:00 – 7:10 Welcome and Introductions-Meeting […]